Management Division


The Management Unit is the main contact for each staff member for any file or personal request.

It intervenes before the date of your assignment after your recruitment to manage your installation.

Before you arriveThe manager will contact you to prepare your installation on the station.
At this stage, the manager takes over all your administrative and financial management.
The documents to be provided are items related to :

  • Civil status (National identity card, family situation, etc.)
  • To payroll (RIB, carte vitale,...)
  • Your previous professional situation (certificate, balance of accounts, etc.)
On the day of your arrivalThe authorised manager will guide you through the process.
  • For contractual staff, the contract is signed
  • For civil servants, the assignment order or notice is sent

Payroll management in the establishments is subject to the payroll calendars established by the regional public finance directorate (DRFIP PACA).
This so-called "customised" payroll involves a one-month time lag between the processing of information and its application.
Example: a proof of change of address sent to the HRD at the beginning of December will be visible on the January bulletin.
In order for the remuneration to be taken over in this framework, an advance payment is made, corresponding to 70% of the gross remuneration.

Your manager remains available throughout your journey:

  • For the management of your remuneration
  • To provide you with various administrative documents (e.g. for an accident at work, for a request for part-time work, for an authorisation to combine activities, for a classification file, but also certificates of employment, administrative certificates at the end of a contract, statements of service for competitions, etc.)
  • To ensure that your contact details and other administrative information are kept up to date
  • For all types of requests or information

The other missions of the division concern :

  • Teaching shifts
  • Administrative shifts
  • Student contracts
  • The time savings account
  • Digital identity creation (in conjunction with DOSI)
  • Pension information (for civil servants)

It is also responsible for the collective management of permanent, administrative and teaching staff, and for the policy on allowances.

Collective management
Collective management of personnel includes :

  • promotion table campaigns: promotion to the next grade
  • campaigns for the list of suitable candidates: promotion to a higher body
  • promotion campaigns for teacher-researchers
  • CRCT campaigns (research and thematic conversion leave)
  • campaigns for the delegation of teachers-researchers to the CNRS
  • PEDR and PRP campaigns
  • ETC ...

Each campaign is the subject of a generic or individual e-mail informing staff of the opening of the campaign, the timetable and the procedure.
All information is also available on e-doc.
Depending on the campaign, a personalised message can be sent to each agent when he or she is eligible for promotion in one of the campaigns.

The same applies to the announcement of the results at the end of the campaign. A personal letter is sent to the staff member informing him/her of his/her ranking or of the decision taken by the administration.


To contact us :


Françoise MAZEL
Head of the management division
- Referent HARPEGE
- Information on pensions for permanent staff
Office 3E12
Tel: 04 90 16 25 36

Contractual section
- Individual administrative and financial management of contract administrative, research and teaching/research staff
CHEVRY  Tel: 04 90 16 28 95
HERZIG –  Tel.: 04 13 95 13 55

Delphine AUMELAS
Elodie RAME

- Administrative and financial management of temporary teaching staff and students
- Management of overtime for permanent teaching staff
- Time Savings Account (TSA)
Office 1W63
AUMELAS - Tel. 04 90 16 25 71
RAME - Tel.: 04 90 16 25 46

Section holders
Office 3E17

- Individual, administrative and financial management of tenured teaching and research staff
tel : 04 90 16 25 38

- Individual administrative and financial management of permanent AENES, ITRF and library staff
Tel: 04 90 16 28 21

Collective management of permanent staff and restricted bodies

Office 1w64

Le MIGNON Tel: 04 90 16 25 37

De SAINT SALVY - Tel.: 04 90 16 26 77