Health, prevention and social action week

Campus News 9 September 2024

Workshops, stands, meetings, a free recycling centre for students...

📅 Health, Prevention & Social Action Week
🗓️ 9-13 September at Avignon University
🎯 Meet our partners on campus:

  • Monday & Tuesday: Campus J-H. Fabre (green areas, next to the cafeteria)

Monday Workshop: "Understanding endometriosis". Nurse present.

Tuesday : Activities with the Point Accueil Écoute Jeune and Family Planning
Addiction" workshop by Les P'tits Débrouillards (registration required), Psychologists and nurse present

Tuesday Free Ressourcerie for students from 11am to 3pm on the Jean-Henri Fabre campus.
Linen, crockery, small electrical appliances... come and equip yourself for free thanks to donations from university staff.

  • Wednesday to Friday: Campus H. Arendt (campus park)

Wednesday Cosmos Mental" workshop (registration required), "Understanding endometriosis" workshop (with Menoleta), psychologists & nurse present

Thursday Activities, with Unafam 84, MDPH, Maison des Adolescents, AMAV, Point Accueil Écoute Jeune, Planning Familial. Nurse present.
Free Ressourcerie for students from 11am to 3pm on the Hannah Arendt campus.
Linen, crockery, small electrical appliances... come and equip yourself for free thanks to donations from university staff.

Friday Red Cross (morning), ISATIS (lunchtime, BU hall).

🎟️ Register for workshops :
Addiction" workshop (Tuesdays at 11.30am and 1pm)
Mental Cosmos" workshop (Wednesdays at 10am and 11.30am)
Contact the HSE nurse: or 04 90 16 25 72

>>Download the full programme