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Agorantic 2024 Symposium

Hannah Arendt Campus

The Agorantic Research Federation is holding its annual symposium on Tuesday 3 December 2024. Agorantic is an interdisciplinary research federation made up of humanities and social sciences, computer science and mathematics laboratories. Its main objective is to encourage the emergence of research on the theme of Culture, Heritage and Digital Societies. Its annual symposium aims to [...]

Seminar "Les matins du JPEG" - Eric Wenzel - Legal history: a resolutely interdisciplinary discipline

Hannah Arendt Campus

As part of the "Matins du -JPEG" 2024-2025 series, the Laboratoire des sciences Juridiques, Politique, Économiques et de Gestion is delighted to welcome Eric Wenzel, Senior Lecturer in the History of Law at Avignon University, for a seminar entitled: L'histoire du droit: une discipline résolument interdisciplinaire The history of law may appear to be a [...]

[History, Health, Work, Environment seminar, 2024-2025] "The Miramas military camp in the Crau and chemical weapons in the French colonial wars (1920-2006)", by Olivier Saint-Hilaire, photographer, historian (IRIS/CIRED)

Hannah Arendt Campus

The next session of the "History, Health, Work and the Environment" seminar will take place on Thursday 23 January from 3 to 5 pm in room 1E09 at Avignon University (Hannah Arendt campus). We will be welcoming Olivier Saint-Hilaire, photographer and historian (IRIS/CIRED) for a session entitled "Le camp militaire de Miramas dans la Crau et les armes chimiques dans les guerres coloniales [...]".

[Midisciences 2025] 30 January: "Carbon accounting: how the French could save the world" by Christophe Devaux - President of the Colibri association, supervising shared student gardens

Hannah Arendt Campus

Date and place: 30/01/2025 1pm to 2pm Avignon University, Campus Hannah Arendt, Amphi 2E01 Free admission Live on V-AU >> Watch the replay here To inaugurate the Midisciences 2025, we are delighted to welcome Christophe Devaux, President of the Colibri association and leader of the shared student gardens. He will be giving a presentation [...]

[Midisciences 2025] 6 February: "Journey into the Anthropocene: Man at the heart of the problem and the solution" by Fanny Rubia

Hannah Arendt Campus

Date and place: 06/02/2025 1pm to 2pm Avignon University, Campus Hannah Arendt, Amphi 2E01 Free admission Live on V-AU >> Watch the replay here On 6 February 2025, Fanny Rubia, geographer, film-maker and lecturer in education for the ecological transition, will present a Midiscience on the theme: "Journey into the Anthropocene: Man and the Anthropocene".

Matins du -JPEG" seminar Algorithmic justice: comparative analysis (France/Québec) of a doctrinal phenomenon by Camille Bordère

Hannah Arendt Campus

The Laboratoire des sciences Juridiques, Politique, Économiques et de Gestion is pleased to welcome as part of the "Matins du -JPEG" 2025: Camille Bordère Post-doctoral researcher for the Comparative Public Law and Politics Chair, CERCRID, Université Jean Monnet Saint-Etienne for a talk entitled: La justice algorithmique : analyse comparée (France/Québec) d'un phénomène doctrinal Le lancement [...]

Escape Game on the Jean-Henri Fabre campus organised by the BDE'Rêka

Jean-Henri Fabre Campus

AGROSCIENCES ALERT 80 minutes to save the university The BDE'RÊKA is organising an escape game in the middle of the night on the Jean-Henri Fabre (Agrosciences) campus on 10 February 2025. "In the shadows of the sleeping campus, a man leaves behind an invisible threat: a bomb that cannot be found and is fatal... Who is he? Who will be able to [...]

[Midisciences 2025] 13 February: "Modern languages - comparing linguistics and biology: convergences and limits" by Frédéric Jeorge (ICTT)

Hannah Arendt Campus

Date and place: 13/02/2025 1pm to 2pm Avignon University, Campus Hannah Arendt, Amphi 2E01 Free admission Live on V-AU On 13 February 2025, Frédéric Jeorge, a lecturer at the ICTT laboratory, will present a Midiscience on the theme of Modern languages - linguistic/biological comparison: convergences and limits When we talk about language, we [...]

[Midisciences 2025] 27 February: "Municipal land ownership in France: the current situation" by Thibault Lecourt (ESPACE)

Hannah Arendt Campus

Date and place: 27/02/2025 1pm to 2pm Avignon University, Campus Hannah Arendt, Amphi 2E01 Free admission Live on V-AUL The replay will be available on Canal U On 27 February 2025, Thibault Lecourt, PhD student in geography and planning (UMR ESPACE), will present a Midiscience lecture on the theme of "Communal land ownership in France".

History, Health, Work, Environment (HSTE) seminar: "Asbestos: a class disease, class sufferers", by Bastien Guillermin, sociologist (PACTE/Université Grenoble Alpes)

Hannah Arendt Campus

Date: Thursday 27 February, 3 pm to 5 pm Venue: Avignon University, Campus Hannah Arendt, room 0w33 The History, Health, Work and Environment (HSTE) research seminar is part of the Ecology and Care of Living Worlds axis of the Centre Norbert Elias (UMR 8562). It is coordinated by Sylvain Bertschy, as part of the ToxCit Chair.

French Red Cross food distribution on 3 and 4 March

📅 Free distribution of food and hygiene products by the French Red Cross 🗓️ 3 and 4 March 🎯 For all Avignon University students Monday 3 March from 11.30am: Room 0E15 on the Hannah Arendt Campus Tuesday 4 March from 11.30am: CERI Hall on the Jean-Henri Fabre Campus [...]

French Red Cross food distribution at CERI on 4 March

Jean-Henri Fabre Campus

📅 Free distribution of food and hygiene products by the French Red Cross 🗓️ 3 and 4 March 🎯 For all Avignon University students Monday 3 March from 11.30am: Room 0E15 on the Hannah Arendt Campus Tuesday 4 March from 11.30am: CERI Hall on the Jean-Henri Fabre Campus [...]


[Midisciences 2025] 6 March: "A change of perspective? Herborisations and landscape perceptions in western France (XIXᵉ century)" Louise Couëffé (CNE)

Hannah Arendt Campus

Date and place: 06/03/2025 From 1pm to 2pm Avignon Université, Campus Hannah Arendt, Amphi 2E01 Free admission Live on V-AU On 6 March, Louise Couëffé, ATER in contemporary history (CNE), will present a Midiscience on the theme: 'Un changement de regard? Herborisations et perceptions paysagères dans l'Ouest de la France (XIXᵉ siècle)" [...]

L'IMPULSIVE by Les Nuits Des Cinéfils&Filles

📅 6 March 2025 - 7.30pm 📍 At LaScierie (Avignon) As part of Feminism Week, the student film association Les Nuits des Cinéfils & Filles is organising a committed evening to highlight the creations of feminist women and artists in film, music and the visual arts. [...]