[Thesis defence] 4 July 2023 - Coline Pons: "Effects of elicitation by UV-C and hydrogen peroxide on the metabolism of two chilli genotypes", UPRI ERIT PSII

Research news 28 June 2023

Date and place

Agrosciences - Tuesday 4 July 2pm - in camera


Agricultural sciences




Laurent Urban, Director

Jawad Aarrouf, co-director

Raphaël Lugan, supervisor Camille Rozier, supervisor

Composition of the jury

  • Ms Nathalie GAVEAU - Professor EA4707 - USC INRAE1488, University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne      Rapporteur
  • Mr Christian JAY-ALLEMAND - Professor UMR IATE 1208, University of Montpellier       Rapporteur
  • Mrs Marie-Geneviève DIJOUX-FRANCA - Professor UMR 5557 Microbial Ecology - ISPB Lyon             Examiner
  • Mr Laurent URBAN - Professor UPRI ERIT PSII, Avignon University               Thesis supervisor
  • Mr Jawad AARROUF - Senior Lecturer-HDR UPRI ERIT PSII, Avignon University          Thesis co-director
  • Mr Raphaël LUGAN - Senior Lecturer-HDR PSH INRAE, Avignon University          Manager
  • Ms Camille ROZIER - Dr. ID4FEED R&D Manager Manager
Mots clés associés
thesis defence