Catégorie : News

[Thesis defence] 29/03/2024, Cédric Dresch: "Energy saving in indoor agriculture: study of the effects of changes in photoperiod on agronomic parameters and the pre- and post-harvest physiology of lettuces".

Research news

19 March 2024

Title of thesis: "Saving energy in indoor agriculture: study of the effects of changes in photoperiod on agronomic parameters and the pre- and post-harvest physiology of [...]".

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Workshops to make hot water bottles and hygiene products

News Campus News

18 March 2024

Following the distribution of free menstrual kits, the university is offering two workshops during Environment Week on the 2 campuses: The workshops will take place, by registration only, on the campus [...].

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[Incoming mobility] Avignon University and IMBE welcome Dr. P. Valentina Carrasco Carballido

Research news

12 March 2024

This academic year, Avignon University and the IMBE are welcoming lecturer and researcher Dr. P. Valentina Carrasco Carballido. A Mexican national, Valentina works at the Autonomous University of the State of Morelos (UAEM), at the Centre for [...].

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Business Game

Immerse yourself in the world of entrepreneurshipWednesday 17 April 2024, 9am to 6pm / Virtual event Put yourself in the shoes of a company director for a day and grasp the issues [...].

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[Portraits] On 8 March 2024, discover four new portraits

Portraits of March 2024 - From left to right: Céline Bourgeois, Marielle Blanc, Valentina Citterio, Valérie Salin To mark International Women's Rights Day, we bring you a [...].

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Conference: Women's rights in the world of work


6 March 2024

Friday 8 March 2024, 1 pm to 4 pmCampus Hannah Arendt / Bâtiment Sud - Amphithéâtre AT05 To mark International Women's Rights Day, the Avignon Bar Association and the [...]

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[Conference] 25 March 2024: "Without transition. A new history of energy" by Jean-Baptiste Fressoz

On 25 March 2024, we are delighted to welcome Jean-Baptiste Fressoz, historian of science, technology and the environment, researcher at the CNRS (Centre de Recherches Historiques de l'EHESS). He will be presenting [...]

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UV Boosting: Laurent Urban and Jawad Aarrouf honoured in the Innovators 2024 Awards by Le Point

Laurent Urban, Professor of Agronomy and Plant Ecophysiology, and Jawad Aarrouf, Senior Lecturer (HDR) in Plant Biology and Pathology, have been included in the 2024 list of innovators published by Le [...].

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Success for the 4th edition of the "24h for entrepreneurship" game at Avignon University!


28 February 2024

The 4th edition of the "24h pour entreprendre" game, supported by the PIA NCU and the ANR (Agence nationale de la recherche), was successfully held on 7 and [...].

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My Master 2024: the application phase opens on Monday 26 February!


26 February 2024

From Monday 26 February, the portal will be accessible to all students planning to continue their studies after obtaining a bac + 3, enabling them to apply [...].

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