Catégorie : Research news

[PhD defence] 03/07/2024 - Marine Soulié: "Design, synthesis and characterisation of chemical tools for the study of membrane proteins" (UPRI - Synthesis and Bio-organic Colloidal Systems Laboratory (S2CB))

Research news

27 June 2024

Date et lieu Soutenance prévue le mercredi 03 juillet 2024 à 10h00Lieu :   Avignon Université Institut Agrosciences, Environnement et Santé – Bâtiment A Campus Jean-Henri Fabre 301 rue Baruch […]

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First conference-debate on open science at Avignon University, with Marin Dacos, Zoé Ancion and Françoise Rousseau-Hans

Le 6 juin 2024 s'est déroulée à Avignon Université une conférence-débat sur la science ouverte à l'université. Les discussions ont porté sur les progrès des établissements de recherche français en matière de science ouverte, l'influence des agences de financement de la recherche sur ces pratiques, les négociations avec les éditeurs scientifiques, et les moyens à disposition des universités pour atteindre leurs objectifs.

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A look back at the 3ᵉ edition of the Tersys Implanteus Summer School (TISS).

La 3ᵉ édition de la Tersys Implanteus Summer School (TISS) s'est déroulée avec succès, réunissant 120 participants sur les trois jours de l'événement.

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[Inauguration] Avignon University inaugurates the GeEAUde partnership chair on 31 May 2024

On 31 May 2024, Avignon University, in partnership with the Institut national de recherche pour l'agriculture, l'alimentation et l'environnement (INRAE) and IFP Énergies nouvelles (IFPEN), launched the GeEAUde partnership chair: "Dynamics of groundwater resources and interactions with associated ecosystems".

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Annual day of the UMT IQUAR, Unité Mixte Technologique "Innovating to improve the post-harvest quality of fresh fruit and vegetables" - 4 June 2024

Research news

7 June 2024

The UMT IQUAR, which brings together CTIFL, Avignon University, INRAE, CIRAD and the University of Montpellier, held its annual seminar on 4 June 2024 at CIRAD in Montpellier.

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Third doctorate ceremony for Avignon University

On 24 May 2024, Avignon Université held its third doctorate ceremony on the Hannah Arendt campus. This ceremony was an opportunity for doctors who have defended their thesis to [...]

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[Research project] The FINALITY project is the winner of the Doctoral Network of the MariE Skłodowska-Curie programme (Horizon Europe)

We are pleased to announce that the FINALITY project (saFe learnINg for LArge scaLe InTerconnected sYstems), led by Francesco De Pellegrini (Laboratoire Informatique d'Avignon) has recently been funded [...].

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[Thesis defense] 02/05/2024 - Dalia Youssef : "The brand and the durability of a festival: a comparative study between the Alexandria Short Film Festival in Egypt and the Avignon Festival in France." (UMR ESPACE-DEV)

Research news

17 April 2024

Date and place Examination scheduled for Thursday 02 May 2024 at 13:30Location: Avignon Université - Campus Hannah Arendt 74 rue Pasteur, 84000 AvignonRoom: The thesis room [...].

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[Thesis defense] 25/04/2024 - Imen BEN-AMOR, "Deep modelling based on the notion of voice attributes for explicable speaker recognition: application to the forensic domain"(LIA)

Research news

17 April 2024

Thesis title: "Deep modelling based on the notion of voice attributes for explicable speaker recognition: application to the forensic domain" Date and place Expected [...]

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[PhD defence] 23/04/2024 - Sara BOSSHARDT: "Understanding and providing tools for farmers to take into account the multidimensional performance of integrated diversified systems: the case study of orchards grazed by hens" (INRAE)

Research news

10 April 2024

Title of thesis Understanding and providing tools for farmers to take account of the multidimensional performance of integrated diversified systems: the case study of orchards [...].

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