Food aid for students
Food aid
Baskets of solidarity with Avignon town hall
Reservation :
or by telephone 04 13 60 51 46 or 04 13 60 51 45
1€ meals at CROUS
The €1 fare can be granted to students in precarious situations, even if they are not grant holders, after a social assessment.
Students can also benefit from this rate for the evening meal (to be collected from the cafeteria) and for the weekend.
The application is made online:
L'Agoraé social and solidarity grocery -d' inter'asso avignon
Located at 104 rue Carreterie, AGORAé is a community centre and social grocery open to all students.
Students in precarious situations will be able to benefit from the social grocery (after validation of a file).
AGORAé is open :
- Wednesday from 5pm to 8pm
- Friday from 5pm to 8pm
Contact: or on the dedicated Instagram account:
L'Abricotier - a solidarity grocery shop for students
Click and Delivery service
orders from Monday 8am to Wednesday 5pm / delivery on Thursday evening from 7.45pm to 8.45pm to the parkig at La Garidelle residence (10, rue St Bernard)
telephone: 06 26 71 81 04
Les restos du coeur
Special antenna for students:
7 rue de l'Ancienne Tannerie
Registration and appointments on site or by telephone: 09 63 53 82 57.
Distribution on Wednesdays from 4pm to 5pm.
Departmental headquarters Phone number: 04 90 81 02 88 (telephone permanence in the morning 8.30am-12.30pm)
Secours Catholique
Download the details of the aid and actions of Secours Catholique du Vaucluse
Solidarity baskets
Are you a student or under 25 years old?
Book then come and pick up your basket of organic vegetables and eggs for €3 every Tuesday from 6.30pm to 7.30pm at LaScierie!
in partnership with the association Semailles
How can you benefit?
1/ Registration and information at the following address:
2/ After registering, you can collect your basket on Tuesday evenings.
Financial aid
1 Chemin des paroissiens 84000 Montfavet
Tuesday 9am ~ 11.30am
Breakdown service / small jobs
Monday and Wednesday - 04 90 80 69 30
(single parent place - baby food distribution)
Rue Honoré de Labande 84000 AVIGNON
Tuesday and Thursday mornings 9-11.30
Distribution of fruit, vegetables and eggs
at La Scierie (15 bd du quai St Lazare, Avignon)
Tuesday from 6.30 pm to 7.30 pm
More information:
Actions-solidaires Facebook page
Secours populaire
Antenne St Jean/Antenne Jeunes (reception of students)
2 place de Sienne, Avignon
04 90 82 27 56
06 24 74 02 83 (St Jean branch / youth centre)
09 73 65 13 76 (Thursday mornings - registration hotline)
Every fortnight on Wednesdays food distributions take place on the Jean-Henri Fabre campus (near the student car park) from 6pm to 8pm.
Further information: 07 67 46 98 06
Social grocery stores
Social grocery shops offer food and basic necessities at lower prices.
Solidarity Supermarket
The Montfavet solidarity supermarket (1697 avenue d'Avignon, Avignon - Montfavet) also welcomes students. It is managed by the ICIPASS association.
To benefit from it, all you have to do is fill in a file (available on site).
The solidarity supermarket is required to sell foodstuffs taking into account the Minimum Durability Date (MDD, formerly DLUO). Please see the information note for more information.
More information from the association:
Imagine84 (city centre)
27 rue des Infirmières - 84000 AVIGNON
(400 m from the university)
04 90 82 46 20
Monday: 14:00 / 17:00
Friday: 14:00 / 17:00
Avignon city centre (next to the Secours Populaire)
35 Rue de la Carreterie - 84000 AVIGNON
(400 m from the university)
Every day from 9:30 to 12:30 and from 14:30 to 18:30
Saturday 9.30am to 1pm
Avignon Champfleury - Secours Catholique
5 rue Honoré Labande - 84000 AVIGNON
(towards Centre Leclerc Eisenhower)
Tuesday and Thursday mornings 9-11.30
Food and social shop (MIN Avignon)
MIN - 135 avenue Pierre Sémard, Avignon
06 13 18 47 16
04 90 82 46 20
Tuesday 8.30am/12pm
Wednesday and Thursday 1.30 pm - 4.30 pm
Mis à jour le 7 February 2025