Student health service (SSE)

The student health service (SSE)


  • Implementing and coordinating prevention and health promotion initiatives for students
  • Supporting and integrating disabled and/or foreign students
  • Helping people access primary care and directing them to specialist structures where necessary
  • Training and supervision of Health Relay Students
  • Health monitoring and public health issues


You can make an appointment with a nurse for :
- undergo a "Point Prévention Santé" preventive health check-up to take stock of your overall health and receive advice on how to improve it
- take stock of your tobacco consumption, electronic cigarette or puff, and possibly get help to stop smoking (tobacco consultation)
- refer patients for addiction treatment and follow-up, maintain motivation and abstinence (addictology consultation)
- vaccinations (checks, injections and health record updates)
- help you find a partner or professional who can help you with your health problems
- dressings, special medical care
You can make an appointment with a psychologist:

- free psychological counselling for AU students on the 2 campuses

You can make an appointment with a doctor for : 
- a problem raised during your preventive health check-up (taking stock of your health and how to improve it)
- an application for CSR on medical grounds (Special Study Scheme)sr
- exemption from or adaptation of university physical activities
- carrying out compulsory medical examinations (students with disabilities, foreign students, students exposed to particular risks, summons)
- access to contraception
- any physical, psycho-social or mental health problem affecting your studies and your health.
If you are unable to connect, please contact directly.

All SSE services are free of charge.

Students with chronic pathologies or with specific one-off needs or disabilities are advised to contact the Health Service (SSE and SSE). Relais Handicap) in the event of a special diet from the beginning of the year to enable the application of accommodation measures for the curriculum and/or examinations and competitions.


Every student is entitled to a preventive health check!




Every year, the SSE recruits Student Health Advisers to guide students, report their needs and lead prevention initiatives. Remuneration based on the minimum wage. 4 hours/week, flexible depending on the week. Job description here.

If you are interested, please contact the Student Health Service by e-mail :

Students are encouraged to check their university e-mail regularly: invitations to visits and information about prevention campaigns are sent by e-mail.


  • Open Monday to Friday from9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
  • By appointment here)
  • Remember to bring your vaccination certificate with you
  • Hannah Arendt Campus, North Buildingoffices 0E35 and 0E36
  • Jean-Henri Fabre Campus, CERI, health and social area, office C047
  • tel. 04 90 16 25 72
  • Mail :

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