Patch Culture

Patch Culture news

Consult the weekly cultural programme on the Instagram account of the Culture of Avignon University

instructions for use

The culture patch allows you to benefit from €5 tickets (or €6 in cinemas and certain partners) in each of the 60 partner structures.
Le dispositif est gratuit et vous pouvez le valider à l’accueil de votre campus (sur Hannah Arendt ou lors des permanences sur JH Fabre, le mardi de 15h à 17h).

Pour le valider, plus besoin de photo d’identité. Il vous suffit de vous présenter avec votre carte étudiante ou carte professionnelle pour les personnels sur le stand ou à l’accueil. Un sticker sera apposé sur votre carte et activera votre patch culture. Chez les partenaires, vous n’aurez plus qu’à présenter votre carte munie du sticker pour bénéficier des tarifs préférentiels.

Le patch culture vous permet de bénéficier d’un tarif de 5 ou 6€ auprès de plus d’une soixantaine de partenaires culturels du territoire (cinémas, théâtres, festivals, lieux d’exposition, salles de concert…).

> Retrouvez la programmation accessible via le Patch Culture sur le compte Instagram de la culture et lors des permanences.

Culture is highly addictive, you can continue
The Culture Patch is a device which aims to develop and diversify the cultural practices of the university community of Avignon.

Indeed, in our university, culture is thought of as a place of gathering: it must not encourage corporatism by distinguishing between students, teacher-researchers and administrators. On the other hand, it is not just a matter of consolidating the cultural practices of those who already have them.
The average student's culture budget is five euros per month. And this average tells us very clearly that, for many, the budget is zero, where some, few, will put in ten or twenty euros. The aim of the Culture Patch is to work for those who already have a budget, but also for those who don't yet have one: to discover what is unknown, because we think that, for the most part, there is no rejection of culture, but rather an autonomous appointment that can be built over time.
As the historian Paul Veyne points out, when you don't see what you don't see, you don't even know you don't see it. It also seems important to us to encourage the exploration of the various facilities, structures and practices in the Avignon area. This is why the agreements signed between the cultural structures producing performances, shows, concerts and exhibitions and the university provide for a basic fee of five euros once a year per member of the university community.

This year, several structures have committed themselves to the implementation of a permanent 5€ rate for holders of the Culture Patch, find them in your agenda guide.

The partners

Live performance

ATP d’Avignon
Centre dramatique des Villages
La Fabrik' Théâtre
Le Totem
Maison de la poésie – Le Figuier Pourpre
Opéra Grand Avignon & L’autre Scène (Vedène)
Surikat Productions
Balcony Theatre
Théâtre des Carmes
Théâtre du Chapeau Rouge
Théâtre du Chêne Noir
Théâtre du Chien qui Fume
Théâtre des Doms
Théâtre des Halles
Golovine Theatre
Theatre de l'Oulle
Le Paris Theatre
Rampart Theatre
Théâtre du Train Bleu
Théâtre Transversal
Vélo Théâtre (Apt)

Crèa Association
Orgue et Musique sacrée en Avignon
Coustellet railway station
Conservatoire à Rayonnement Régional du Grand Avignon
Opéra Grand Avignon
Orchestre National Avignon Provence
Paloma (Nîmes)
Jazz Springboard Avignon

Capitole MyCinéWest
Pathé Cap Sud
Miradas Hispanas
Cinema Vox
Rencontres Cinématographiques du Sud

Festival d'Avignon
Avignon le Off
CDCN Uzès Danse
CDCN Les Hivernales
Villeneuve on stage

Le Grenier à sel
La Chartreuse - CNES
Lambert Collection
Jean Vilar House
Avignon Musées : Musée Lapidaire,  Musée du Petit Palais, Musée Calvet, Musée du Petit Palais
Angladon Museum
Vouland Museum

Scientific Culture
Science Café
Association des Petits Débrouillards
Cosmos Park

The Little Cauldron
Chez Françoise