[SFTLV testimonial] Orlane Sarlou

You develop your career throughout your life. I first worked as a pharmacy assistant for 14 years. I had to question myself and change profession.
The first step was to find a job that matched my skills, my interpersonal skills and my values. After a skills assessment and PMSMPs (Periods of Practical Work Experience) in companies, all this led me in the direction of the social professions.
I was immediately won over by the way the company helps people find work.
During my research, I came across several training centres.
Having a university education was an obvious choice.
In my first training course (as a pharmacy assistant), the sandwich course was a good compromise for me to be able to memorise knowledge while combining it with practice.
When I saw that university training was taking the same approach, I didn't hesitate.
Being able to combine the various inputs from a lecture course and being able to put them into practice during work placements was a real driving force. It kept me motivated throughout the year.
Once you've had your first taste of working life, you forget your school years. It's a real challenge to get back into training.
The work-linked training enabled me to challenge myself, learn new ways of working and memorising, and take a calmer approach to support with comprehensive theoretical input.
The practical application, with fairly long periods of work experience, gave us an overall view of our job in a company.
This confirmed my choice of career and my motivation.
I'd recommend this course because it's comprehensive: it provides a wealth of knowledge on how to support people towards autonomy, and a method for working in constructive and caring professional conditions to support them.
Periods of work experience that enable students to be employable as soon as they finish their training (knowledge of the employment market in our regions, knowledge of the various IAE structures in our region, building our network).
To sum up, the results are there, the training is complete and I have all the keys I need to be a professional in my job.
Mis à jour le 16 February 2024