Conference: Inclusion at work and non-discrimination: New discourse for new practices?
1 June 2023
Organised by Avignon University's Property, Norms and Contracts Laboratory and Strasbourg University's Employment Law Team (UMR DRES 7354), the conference was prepared by the AFDT (French Association of Labour and Social Security Law).
Scientific Committee :
Patrice Adam (University of Lorraine)
Martine Le Friant (University of Avignon)
Pascal Lokiec (University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne)
Marie Mercat-Bruns (Sciences Po Law School/CNAM)
Nicolas Moizard (University of Strasbourg)
Registration :
1st and 2nd June 2023 / Hannah Arendt Campus - City centre site, amphitheatre AT05

Mis à jour le 1 June 2023