Sanitary towel dispensers

Avignon University and CROUS Aix-Marseille-Avignon are working together to combat the menstrual insecurity faced by female students, thanks to the Ville Campus schemeThe project is the brainchild of university student Hinde Bahlagui, a former Ville Campus civic service volunteer who was on placement at CROUS at the time.
Motivated by this initiative, a group ofIUT d'Avignon in DUT Packaging, Emballage et Conditionnement Marion Bonnin, Sara Lerond and Elaurie Tourel, supervised by Yannick Knapp, senior lecturer and head of the Packaging department at the Avignon University IUT, made this possible.
Motivated by this initiative, a group ofIUT d'Avignon in DUT Packaging, Emballage et Conditionnement Marion Bonnin, Sara Lerond and Elaurie Tourel, supervised by Yannick Knapp, senior lecturer and head of the Packaging department at the Avignon University IUT, made this possible.
For this first stage of the project, 10 dispensers were designed and manufactured by the students and placed in certain toilets accessible to PRMs on the 2 campuses:
Hannah Arendt Campus
- North building :
- Ground floor - East entrance (opposite rooms OE20/OE19)
- Ground floor - West entrance, opposite the Relais Handicap
- 2nd floor - opposite amphitheatre 2E04
- South building :
- Ground Floor - CROUS Cafeteria/RU
- 2nd floor: entrance to the University Library
- Sports and research centre :
- Ground Floor - to the gym
Jean-Henri Fabre Campus
- IUT : hall
- CERI in front of the Blaise amphitheatre
- Building A AgES Institute Lobby of the building
- Building B AgES Institute Hall of the new building, opposite the University Library
These dispensers are replenished daily, giving everyone free access to essential hygiene products.
The towels offered are free of dyes, perfumes and allergens, and have the Ecolabel label.
At the same time, information stands are regularly set up to explain the various means of protection available, particularly the lesser-known ones.
A project financed and implemented thanks to the Ville Campus scheme (CROUS Aix-Marseille Avignon and Avignon University), in partnership with the IUT of Avignon

Mis à jour le 2 September 2024