OpenEdition Center
A national research infrastructure, OpenEdition is supported by the OpenEdition Center, a service and research unit (USR 2004) of the CNRS, Aix-Marseille University, the EHESS and Avignon University.

Its missions
- The development of open access digital publishing
- Dissemination of the uses and skills related to digital publishing
- Research and innovation in digital information retrieval and enhancement methods
- Ensuring a high level of reliability and availability of OpenEdition platforms is part of the National Plan for Open Science.
Transition to open access
OpenEdition Freemium for journals and book collections offers a range of services and formats available to institutions (libraries, campuses, research centres) and their users.
This partnership between OpenEdition and the institutions aims to build an innovative and sustainable economic model, with all revenues generated being reinvested in the development of open access scientific digital publishing.
OpenEdition Lab, OpenEdition's R&D programme, has four research areas:
1. An open laboratory: a system for welcoming and supporting research teams and opening up the laboratory's data for the benefit of the scientific community.
2. Open Science and Society: experiments to strengthen the links between open science and society.
3. Understanding usage: research into the usage of users of OpenEdition platforms through quantitative and qualitative analysis.
4. Text and data mining: the development of new approaches and new knowledge on information retrieval and reading recommendations.
OpenEdition and its European partners have formed a consortium to develop a European infrastructure for open science communication in the humanities and social sciences: OPERAS.
The aim is to provide a set of services to improve the dissemination and referencing of open access scientific content. OpenEdition and the Dutch foundation OAPEN have created the DOAB Foundation (Directory of Open Access Books) to promote bibliodiversity in open science.
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Mis à jour le 6 November 2023