Culture, Heritage and Digital Societies Institute (CPSN)

The Institute for Culture, Heritage and Digital Societies (ICPSN) brings together training and research in law, political science, economic and social administration, foreign and regional literature, languages, literatures and civilisations, applied foreign languages, history, geography and information and communication. It comprises eight teaching and research centres (CER) and five laboratories. Students study for bachelor's degrees, professional bachelor's degrees, master's degrees and doctorates.

The Villa Créative, the 537 Doctoral School, the Intermedius University Research School and the Agorantic Research Federation contribute to the activities of the CPSN Institute.

8 Teaching and research centres (CER) :

  • Culture & communication
  • Law
  • Intercultural studies and creation
  • Geography and planning
  • History
  • Applied foreign languages
  • Political science, economics and management
  • Theatre, literature(s), language(s)

5 laboratories : 


Management e-mail address :

Director: Mr MARREL Guillaume

Administrative Director : Ms GOEHRS Florence

Executive Assistant : Ms BOUDON Maria-Mercedes


Deputy Director of Research : Mr DOUVINET Johnny

Deputy Director of Studies/Training : Ms MAFFRE BAUGE Agnès

Deputy Director of Professional Development : Ms LUNARDELLI Nathalie

Deputy Director of Partnerships, Interdisciplinarity and Internationalisation : Mr LOMBARD Laurent

Head of Management / CER : Ms BLANC Marielle

Head of Research Management : Ms ANDRE TARANGET Catherine