Disciplines enseignées

Biologie évolutive Zoologie Méthodes d'inventaires faunistiques Biologie des ravageurs et auxiliaires de cultures Développement animal Ecologie Environmental sciences


Laboratoire ou équipe de ratachement

UMR 7263 IMBE - Institut Méditerranéen de Biodiversité et d’Écologie EECAR

Composante et département

Département Biologie
Institut Agrosciences, Environnement et santé

Thèmes de recherche

Influence des changements globaux (climatiques, culturaux) sur la gestion des ravageurs et la biodiversité des agroécosystèmes.



Moiroux J, Boivin G & Brodeur J. Ovigeny index increases with temperature in an aphid parasitoid: early reproduction is better when it is hot. Journal of Insect Physiology. Moiroux J, Chesnais Q, Spicher F, Verrier E, Ameline A. & Couty A. 2018. Plant virus infection influences bottom-up regulation of a plant-aphid-parasitoid system. Journal of Pest Science, 91: 361-372. Moiroux J, van Baaren J, Couty A, Eslin P, Poyet M & Le Roux V. 2017. Response of life history traits to artificial and natural selection for virulence and non-virulence in a Drosophila parasitoid, Asobara tabida. Insect Science, 25: 317-327. Abram PK, Boivin G, Moiroux J & Brodeur J 2017. Behavioural effects of temperature on ectothermic animals: unifying thermal physiology and behavioural plasticity. Biological Reviews, 92: 1859-1876. Moiroux J, Abram PK, Louâpre P, Brodeur J & Boivin G. 2016. Influence of temperature on patch residence time in parasitoids: Physiological and behavioural mechanisms. The Science of Nature, 103: 1-10. Moiroux J, Boivin G & Brodeur J. 2015. Temperature influences host-instar selection in an aphid parasitoid: support for the relative fitness rule. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 115: 792-801. Moiroux J, Brodeur J & Boivin G. 2014. Sex ratio variations with temperature in an egg parasitoid: behavioural adjustment and physiological constraint. Animal Behaviour, 91: 61-66.
Mes publications