Musées, inclusion et éducation – Conférences animées par Antonella Poce, professeure invitée
Bienvenue à Antonella Poce, professeure à l’Université de Roma Tor Vergata (Italie) et spécialiste des musées, de l’éducation muséale et des enjeux du numérique en Italie, en Europe et aux États-Unis. Elle est accueillie à Avignon Université dans le cadre d’une mobilité européenne. Elle animera deux conférences en anglais réservées aux étudiants et une ouverte au public.
Les mardi 25 et vendredi 28 février 2025
Avignon Université
Campus Hannah Arendt – Site centre-ville
salle 2E08 et salle des thèses
Le mercredi 26 février 2025
Musée du Petit Palais
Place du Palais
84000 – Avignon
Mardi 25 février
Museums as Inclusive Tools. The Digital Spektrum Project for Museum Professionals
Avignon Université – Campus Hannah Arendt – Site centre-ville – Salle 2E08
Conférence en anglais, réservée aux étudiants de master
Mercredi 26 février
Developing an Inclusive Memory of Cultural Heritage Through Museum Education: The Inclusive Memory Project and Migration Narratives
Musée du Petit Palais – Place du Palais – Avignon
Rez-de-chaussée – Salle 16
Conférence en anglais, ouverte au public, sous réserve de places disponibles
Réservation obligatoire :
10h15 – Mot de bienvenue par Mme Fiona Lüddecke, Conservatrice & cheffe d’établissement du musée du Petit Palais et, Mme Isabelle Brianso, Vice-Présidente déléguée à la Culture à Avignon Université
10h30 à 11h45 – Conférence (en anglais) par Mme Antonella Poce
Abstract: Italian migration in the early decades of the twentieth century was a global phenomenon, involving millions of individuals seeking better socio-economic opportunities (Gabaccia, 2000). This migratory movement, supported by transnational networks and marked by strong identity bonds, led to the creation of complex diasporas, wherein interactions between origin and destination produced hybrid forms of belonging (Choate, 2008). In this regard, the marginalization faced by Italian emigrants in their host countries is particularly revealing of the inclusion challenges that contemporary immigrants to Italy still confront (Hobsbawm, 1992). The significance of developing an inclusive memory, capable of bridging past experiences with current migratory realities, is evident in the initiatives sponsored by the Museo Nazionale dell’Emigrazione Italiana (MEI) in Genoa. Through a multimedia and documentary exhibition, the MEI encourages critical reflection on migratory processes, highlighting how the historical departures of Italians may offer valuable insights into the present-day context (Colucci, 2008). This cultural undertaking, beyond preserving historical heritage, contributes to a broader project of social cohesion, where shared memory becomes a tool for mutual recognition and intergenerational solidarity. In this context is placed the Inclusive Memory project, funded within a programme developed by Roma Tre University to promote interdisciplinary research. The Project had the aim of promoting the creation of a common and shared social memory, achieved through a social inclusion system that involves the museum. The project is carried out using new teaching methods and innovative digital instruments with the scope of developing museum visitors’ soft skills, especially amongst social disadvantaged groups, migrants in particular, and strengthening the channels and tools of cultural-language mediation. The involvement of museums in social integration is built through envisaging the museum space as an educational place, where every social category (regardless of differences in age, cultural level, social status) manages to interact with it and to develop skills such as Critical thinking, Communication, Cooperation, acquisition and interpretation of information (Sandell, 2002; Nardi, 2014; Poce, 2018; Poce, 2019). Museums have often built a strong bond with the history of the territory in which they are situated, even if, some social groups (such as refugees, first and second-generation migrants and people with memory disabilities) are frequently excluded by the cultural and artistic life of the territory itself and, as a consequence, do not play an active role in the creation and sharing of a collective social memory. That is why reflection on and action around inclusive teaching, also in informal learning contexts, is necessary: the establishment and re- affirmation of individual rights, participation in the community as well as equal opportunities issues cannot remain mere statements of principle (Chiappetta Cajola, 2014), but they should represent the ultimate and essential purposes of any educational action. The main results of the project will be presented, with a special focus on the learning methodologies and tools that have proven most effective in terms of promoting the social and cultural inclusion of migrants.
Vendredi 28 février
An introduction to Museum Studies Applied to Education
Avignon Université – Campus Hannah Arendt – Site centre-ville – Salle des thèses
Conférence en anglais, réservée aux étudiants de licence
En savoir plus sur Antonella Poce
Antonella Poce est professeure des universités en pédagogie expérimentale au Département d’Histoire, Patrimoine, Education et Société à l’Université de Rome Tor Vergata, où elle enseigne la pédagogie expérimentale, les méthodologies de recherche appliquées à l’éducation muséale. Elle dirige le Centre international de recherche INTELLECT pour la recherche sur le patrimoine et l’éducation muséale, le bien-être et la technologie appliquée au pédagogique. Elle dirige deux diplômes d’études supérieures conjoints (UNIMORE/UNIROMATRE) intitulés Empirical Studies in Museum Education et Advanced Studies in Heritage Education. Enfin, elle coordonne de nombreux projets (nationaux, internationaux et européens) et préside des conférences internationales (Europe, États-Unis) ainsi que des comités académiques axés sur l’évaluation de l’enseignement à distance.
Sélection de publications de la conférencière :
- Poce, A. (2024). “Using AI for critical thinking assessment. A digital humanities education experience”. In Creative Approaches to Technology-Enhanced Learning for the Workplace and Higher Education. Springer; 2024° edizione.
- Poce, A. (2020). Education research in museum settings: methodologies, tools and functions / La ricerca empirica al museo: metodologie, strumenti e funzioni. ISBN 978-88-495-4255-4. Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane: Napoli (pp. 114) (published in english and italian).
- Poce, A. (2018). Il Patrimonio culturale per lo sviluppo delle competenze nella scuola primaria/Cultural Heritage and the Development of XXI Century Skills in Primary Education. ISBN 978-88-917-6860-5. Franco Angeli: Milano (pp. 98) (published in english and italian).
Mis à jour le 21 février 2025