Research news
- The Avignon Avignon Computer Laboratory (LIA) at the heart of the "Le Petit Camion" research project
- [Midisciences 2025] Discover the full programme
- The geodata real estate partnership chair (GIF) has put a simulator online dedicated to the "zero net artificialisation" (ZAN) objective.
- [Defence of thesis] 25/02/2025 - Alix Dupont: "Operator strategies for User-Driven Electric Vehicle Charging in Public Spaces" (UPR LIA)
- [PhD defence] 24/02/2025 - Hugo Fontes: "How can the concept of reference ecosystem be used to assess the success of creating temporary ponds in the Camargue?
- [GeEAUde Chair] Coastal and underwater springs: a global database open to scientific contributions
- [Guest researcher] The Centre Norbert Elias (CNE) welcomes Nicolas Navarro
- [Thesis defense] 06/01/2025 - Judith CACERES: "YouTube stars - Elements for an understanding of the celebrity phenomenon of video content creators broadcast on the Youtube platform" (UPR LCC)
- [Defence of thesis] 16/12/2024 - Pierre LE BRUN: "Les logements du capital. Between cities, profits and regulation, an economic geography of private residential development in France (2008-2022)" (UMR ESPACE)
- [Thesis defence] 20/12/2024 - Laure-Hélène Swinnen: "Artistic and Cultural Education at the Festival d'Avignon: birth, existence and resonance with young audiences" (UPR LCC)
- [PhD defence] 20/12/2024 - Omar BOUFOUS: "Correlated Equilibria and Learning" (UPR LIA)
- [PhD defence] 13/12/2024 - Tiancheng YANG: "Phenotyping the density of small grain cereal plants at the early stages using optical sensors". (UMR EMMAH)
- [Thesis defence] 20/12/2024 - Cécile SERBOURCE: "Study of the bioturbatory activity and life history traits of enchytreids (Annelida, Oligochaeta) in Mediterranean agricultural soils". (UMR EMMAH)
- [PhD defence] 17/12/2024 - Léna PETIT: "Association of two species of microalgae: Nutritional interest and potential impact on cardiometabolic risk" (UPR LAPEC)
- [Thesis defence] 19/12/2024 - Ondine Le Fur "Landscape as a means of understanding fire risk and involving residents on the outskirts of metropolitan areas: urban planning, risk representations and a participatory approach in a France-Australia comparison." (UMR ESPACE DEV)
- [PhD defence] 16/12/2024- Romane BLAYA: "Response of the structure and temporal dynamics of ant communities to spatial characteristics and habitats on small Mediterranean islands" (UMR IMBE)
- [Thesis defence] 12/12/2024 - Davoud ARJANG MEHR: "Presentation of a conceptual framework and ranking of factors influencing the choice of event tourism destinations in Iran" (UMR ESPACE-DEV)
- [Distinction] Lucas Potin (LIA) and Adrien Deschamps (-JPEG) win the open science prize for research data with the "Base Étendue, Améliorée et Unifiée des Annonces des Marchés Publics" project
- [PhD defence] 09/12/2024 - Arthur AMALVY: "Natural language processing applied to the representation of narrative texts using character networks" (UPR LIA)
- [PhD defence] 29/11/2024 - Irène Kinoti: "Remote sensing for the assessment of transboundary groundwater resources - The case of the Stampriet aquifer system (STAS)" (UMR EMMAH)
- [PhD defence] 03/12/2024 - Arnold KOUAM KOUNCHOU: "Jeu de centralité pour la cyberdéception contre la propagation d'épidémies dans le réseau" (UPR LIA)
- Thesis defence] 3/12/2024 - Chloé FELTIN: "Diversité et interactions des phages de Pseudomonas syringae dans un environnement agricole" [Diversity and interactions of Pseudomonas syringae phages in an agricultural environment]. (UPR Plant Pathology)
- [PhD defence] 5/12/2024 - Noé CARLES: "From tsunami warning to population safety in the French Mediterranean: from a scenario-based approach to an agent-based model" (UMR ESPACE)
- [PhD defence] 29/11/2024 - Marie SERRIE: "Adapting Prunus to the reduction in the use of pesticides: identifying the components of resilience and exploiting diversity through association genetics" (UR GAFL)
- [Defense of thesis] 28/11/2024 - Emmanuel KRAVITZCH : "Opinion dynamics in coevolution with adaptive networks" (UPR LIA)
- [PhD defence] 28/11/2024 - Antoine DEJONGHE : "Self-organising networks and learning algorithms for post-5G networks" (UPR LIA)
- Seminar - Cultures and mediations by the Centre Norbert Elias
- Call for doctoral candidates : Sciences en bulles 2025
- [PhD defence] 04/12/2024 - Clémentine Mutillod: "Conceptual, taxonomic and functional approaches to the influence of domestic or 'wild' herbivores on the dry grasslands of the Causse Méjean (Massif Central, France)" (UMR IMBE - EECAR)
- [HDR Defense] 05/12/2024 - Sylvain JAY : "High spatial and spectral resolution remote sensing for environmental characterisation: applications to coastal waters and agriculture" (UMR EMMAH)
- [PhD defence] 22/11/2024 - Jonathan Zurbach: "Supporting and improving science": discourses, funding and scientific policies of research infrastructures for quantitative data in the social sciences (1964-2024)" (UPR JPEG - FR AGORANTIc)
- [PhD defence] 25/11/2024 - Adriana Atiwich PATTHAMAPORNSIRIKUL : " Understanding and mitigating the emergence of " Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus " in France " (UPR 407 - PV - Plant pathology)
- [Thesis defence] 04/11/2024 - Quentin Didier: "Characterisation of natural environments on a macroscopic scale using mechanical and electromagnetic wave approaches". (UMR EMMAH)
- IA 2024 Festival - Artificial intelligence and health
- [PhD defence] 22/10/2024 - Lucas PETIT DIT GREZERIAT: "Improving the fertility of wine-growing soils by massive inputs of organic matter and inoculation with earthworms" (UMR IMBE)
- [PhD defence] 24/10/2024 - Lucas Druart: "Towards a Contextual and Structured Understanding of Task-Oriented Dialogic Speech" (UPR LIA)
- [Thesis defence] 24/10/2024 - Jhoan RINCON: "Exploring the key parameters for the colour stability of strawberry-based products during processing and storage in order to avoid additives and favour natural products" (UMR SQPOV)
- [PhD defence] 21/10/2024 - Timothée Dhaussy: "Proactive multimodal human-robot interaction in a hospital setting" (UPR LIA)
- [Event] Avignon University takes part in Med'Agri 2024
- [Thesis defence] 10/10/2024 - Christian Cravatto: "2-methyloxolane as a green solvent for the eco-extraction of primary and secondary metabolites from plants". (UMR SQPOV)
- [Event] Fête de la Science 2024, 4 to 14 October: "Ocean of knowledge".
- [Defence of thesis] 26/09/2024 - Paolo Zappala "Methods for games in extensive form with application to the mobile network market" (UPR 4128 LIA)
- [Dissertation defence] 13/09/2024 - Patrick EVENO: "The concept of a second home in a tourist area put to the test by the collaborative economy". (UMR ESPACE-DEV)
- [Distinction] Clémentine Mutillod, doctoral student at IMBE, rewarded for her research on the reintroduction of Przewalski's horses in Lozère
- [PhD defence] 9/09/2024 - Gaëlle Laperrière: "Understanding speech in a multilingual context" (UPR LIA)
- [PhD defence] 26/07/2024 - Emma Caullireau: "Induction or restriction of bacterial virulence: the role of time and environment in the outcome of plant-pathogen interaction" (UPR 407 - PV - Plant pathology)
- [Defence of thesis] 15/07/2024 - Sahand KHODAPARAS TALATAPEH : " Orchestration et optimisation du cache dans les réseaux IoT " (UPR 4128 - LIA - Laboratoire d'Informatique d'Avignon)
- Inauguration of the shared vegetable garden: an educational and ecological project at the heart of the Jean-Henri Fabre campus
- [PhD defence] 03/07/2024 - Marine Soulié: "Design, synthesis and characterisation of chemical tools for the study of membrane proteins" (UPRI - Synthesis and Bio-organic Colloidal Systems Laboratory (S2CB))
- First conference-debate on open science at Avignon University, with Marin Dacos, Zoé Ancion and Françoise Rousseau-Hans
- A look back at the 3ᵉ edition of the Tersys Implanteus Summer School (TISS).
- [Inauguration] Avignon University inaugurates the GeEAUde partnership chair on 31 May 2024
- Annual day of the UMT IQUAR, Unité Mixte Technologique "Innovating to improve the post-harvest quality of fresh fruit and vegetables" - 4 June 2024
- Third doctorate ceremony for Avignon University
- [Research project] The FINALITY project is the winner of the Doctoral Network of the MariE Skłodowska-Curie programme (Horizon Europe)
- [Thesis defense] 02/05/2024 - Dalia Youssef : "The brand and the durability of a festival: a comparative study between the Alexandria Short Film Festival in Egypt and the Avignon Festival in France." (UMR ESPACE-DEV)
- [Thesis defense] 25/04/2024 - Imen BEN-AMOR, "Deep modelling based on the notion of voice attributes for explicable speaker recognition: application to the forensic domain"(LIA)
- [PhD defence] 23/04/2024 - Sara BOSSHARDT: "Understanding and providing tools for farmers to take into account the multidimensional performance of integrated diversified systems: the case study of orchards grazed by hens" (INRAE)
- [MT180] Pierre Baby, finalist in My Thesis in 180 seconds 2024!
- [PhD defence] 10/04/2024 - Léo ROCHER: "Identification of vegetation parameters favouring beneficial arthropods and associated ecological functions in viticulture: a correlative and experimental approach" (IMBE)
- [Distinction] The Mission archéologique à Paphos (MafaP) directed by Claire Balandier receives the label of the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres
- [Thesis defence] 29/03/2024, Cédric Dresch: "Energy saving in indoor agriculture: study of the effects of changes in photoperiod on agronomic parameters and the pre- and post-harvest physiology of lettuces".
- [Incoming mobility] Avignon University and IMBE welcome Dr. P. Valentina Carrasco Carballido
- [Portraits] On 8 March 2024, discover four new portraits
- [Conference] 25 March 2024: "Without transition. A new history of energy" by Jean-Baptiste Fressoz
- UV Boosting: Laurent Urban and Jawad Aarrouf honoured in the Innovators 2024 Awards by Le Point
- [MT180] Pierre Baby wins the 2ᵉ jury prize in the regional final and will take part in the national semi-final of ma thèse en 180 secondes!
- [PhD defence] 20/02/2024, Florian CAJOT: "Modelling water transfer in soil in the presence of amphiphilic materials: Application to the rhizosphere".
- [Call for entries] Fête de la science until 10 May 2024
- My thesis in 180 seconds: 2024 regional final
- [Interviews] Gaëlle Mesgouez, Vice-President of Research and Florence Charles - Vice-President of Economic Development and Professional Integration
- [Midisciences 2024] Discover the full programme
- [Dissertation defence] 05/02/2024, Jean-Pierre DELHOMMEL: "Heritage labels and the illusion of Pornic, a seaside town in Loire-Atlantique".
- [Thesis defence] 02/02/24, Thomas Breniere: "Impact of genotype-practice interactions on the content and sequestration of carotenoids in plant matrices and on the associated health effects. - Case study of two Solanaceae species".
- [Dissertation defence] 23/01/2024, Noémie Févrat: "Le 'mandat de trop'? The re-election of members of parliament and mayors in France and the conditions for calling it into question".
- [Dissertation defense] 18/01/2024, Noé Cécillon : "Combining graphs and text to model conversations: Application to online abuse detection".
- [Thesis defence] 21/12/23, Romain Chevalier: "Papes, rois et bâtards. Norms and discourse around illegitimate filiation (Papacy and Kingdom of France, 13th-14th centuries)".
- [Thesis defence] 18/12/23, Clémentine Leroy: "Sensitivity of wild bees to landscape changes in agroecosystems". (UR 406 Bees & Environment, INRAE)
- The ANR's Joint Laboratory (LabCom) programme celebrates its 10th anniversary
- [European project] What is the LIFE VineAdapt project?
- [Thesis defence] 16/12/23, Yosra Belghith: "Eco-extraction of high added-value biomolecules from olive pomace" (SQPOV)
- [Thesis defense] 11/12/23: Léo Mouillard-Lample: "Competition between bees, the emergence of floral resources as a common good" (INRAE Abeilles)
- The Port of Marseille Fos and Avignon University are removing concrete foundations to breathe new life into an exceptional ecosystem: the Crau "coussouls".
- [Thesis defense] 18/12/23: Julio Cesar Perez Garcia: "Contribution to security and privacy in the Internet of Things based on Blockchain: Robustness, reliability, and scalability." (LIA)
- [Defense de thèse] 18/12/23 : Adrien Servent - Rationalisation des conditions opératoires au cours de la transformation de fruits tropicaux pour maximiser les qualités sensorielle et nutritionnelle. Application to flash détente and tangential filtration (INRAE/UMR SQPOV)
- [Thesis defence] 12/12/23: Thomas Pressecq: "Development of a decision-making tool to promote the use of microbial biocontrol" (INRAE Pathologie Végétale, INRAE Ecodéveloppement and APREL)
- The first international conference of the Green and Sustainable Plant Chemistry Chair, BIOVASA-2023, took place on 2 and 3 November 2023.
- [Thesis defence] 8/12/23, Matthieu Josse: "Exercise during dialysis: a cardioprotective role" (LAPEC)
- [Thesis defence] 12/12/23, Sandra Najac: "Contact de langues et identité chez des Québécois d'origine haïtienne" (ICTT)
- [Dissertation defence] 11/12/23, Anaïs Chanclu: "Recognising people by their voices: Definition of a scientific framework to guarantee the reliability of the results of a voice comparison in the forensic context" (LIA)
- [Thesis defence] 8/12/23: Claire CLÉMENT: "Medicine and the medical environment at the pontifical court of Avignon (1305-1414)" (CIHAM)
- [Thesis defense] 11/12/23: Andrea Radici: "A modelling framework for the development of eco-efficient control strategies against aerial plant pathogens: the cases of black rust in wheat and moniliosis in peaches" (INRAE BioSP)
- [Thesis defence] 30/11/2023: Roberto Laghi: "Il digitale al cuore delle (tras)mutazioni delle scritture e delle realtà italiane"(ICTT)
- Avignon University rewarded for its research into public warnings in France
- [PhD defence] 24/11/2023 - Mathilde Dubois: "Impact of hyperglycaemia on the sensitivity of the heart to ischaemia-reperfusion" (LaPEC)
- [Thesis defence] 16/11/2023 - Clément Dezord: "Development and operation of a measurement bench dedicated to a hectometre-scale magnetic antenna at LSBB". (EMMAH)
- [Event] Fête de la science 2023
- The EXPANSION project, support for research projects and the development of partnership chairs
- [Thesis defence] 24 October 2023 - Lina Marìa Serna Moreno: "Argument to persuade and get along in French as a target language" (ICTT)
Mis à jour le 5 February 2024