[Thesis defence] 12/12/2024 - Davoud ARJANG MEHR: "Presentation of a conceptual framework and ranking of factors influencing the choice of event tourism destinations in Iran" (UMR ESPACE-DEV)
Davoud ARJAND MEHR will submit his thesis on 12 December 2024 on the following topic: "Presentation of a conceptual framework and ranking of factors influencing the choice of event tourism destinations in Iran".
Date and place
Oral defense scheduled on Thursday 12 December 2024 at 2pm
Venue: Avignon University 74 rue pasteur 84000 Avignon, campus Hannah Arendt
Thesis room

UMR_D 228 - Spatial Observation, Models and Involved Science
Composition of the jury
Mr Philippe BACHIMON | Avignon University | Thesis supervisor |
Christian BROMBERGER | University of Aix-Marseille | Rapporteur |
Mr Hadi DOLATABADI | University of Tehran | Rapporteur |
Ms Isabelle FROCHOT | University of Burgundy | Examiner |
Mr Pierre DERIOZ | University of Avignon | Examiner |
Mr Mahmood ZIAEE | Allameh Tabataba'i University | Thesis co-director |
Mrs Edith FAGNONI | Paris-Sorbonne University | Examiner |
The seasonality of tourist destinations on the one hand, and the strong competition they face on the other, have posed serious challenges for the management of tourist destinations. The adoption of differentiation strategies and efforts to increase the attractiveness of destinations through product diversification are among the approaches used to overcome these challenges. In this context, the development of event tourism is recognised as one of the most effective management approaches for branding and improving the competitive edge of urban destinations. Given that the organisation of commercial events is one of the fastest-growing forms of tourism, generating income and foreign currency, this research aims to propose a conceptual framework of the factors influencing the choice of a destination to host commercial events, while prioritising these factors. To this end, a qualitative research methodology was adopted.
Initially, a systematic review of the literature was carried out to explore previous research, followed by bibliometric studies to visualise the predominant trends and patterns in scientific articles on the subject. In this way, new themes and gaps in research in this field were identified. Next, the factors identified in the literature as influencing the choice of destinations for events were contextualised and prioritised using the ANP (Analytical Network Process) method and the consensus of experts, following semi-structured interviews. The results of the study show that the factors influencing the choice of destinations for business events fall into two categories: factors related to the event venue, such as venue accessibility, associated costs, venue management and available facilities; and factors related to the host city, such as the destination's level of development, destination accessibility, associated costs, destination management, destination image and destination tourism environment. The conceptual framework and prioritisation of factors influencing the choice of destinations for business events proposed by this research provide a practical tool for 'organisers', enabling them to minimise the risks associated with organising these events through a judicious choice of destinations.
It also enables event service providers to better understand these priorities, to ensure effective performance in satisfying and retaining organisers.
Keywords Event tourism, Business tourism, Event management, Destination and event location, Commercial events,
Mis à jour le 5 December 2024