Research news - March / April 2024 #18

Research projectsScientific and technical culture
Open ScienceDoctoral Schools
Development and intellectual propertyEUR Implanteus & SFR Tersys
DistinctionPartnership chairs

[Headlines] Pierre Baby, finalist in Ma Thèse en 180 secondes!

MT180 29/03/24 - Credits: C. Criscuolo - Yellow Studio
MT180 29/03/24 - Credits: C. Criscuolo - Yellow Studio

Pierre Baby, winner of the 2ᵉ jury prize at the regional final of Ma Thèse en 180 secondes on 23 February in Aix-en-Provence, is continuing the adventure..
Following his performance in the national semi-final on Friday 29 March 2024, Pierre Baby has qualified as one of the 16 doctoral students selected to take part in the national final on 5 June in Nice!

Pierre Baby is a doctoral student in ecotoxicology and entomology at theMediterranean Institute of Biodiversity and Marine and Continental Ecology (IMBE). He will be taking part in the MT180 2024 national final at the Opéra de Nice on 5 June.

Her thesis, supervised by Magali Rault, Senior Lecturer (IMBE), and Hazem Dib, Senior Lecturer (IMBE), is entitled :
"Physiological and behavioural responses of the generalist predator, Forficula pubescens (Dermaptera: Forficulidae) in the face of various biotic and abiotic constraints with a view to biological control in apple orchards".

We'd like to offer her our sincere congratulations once again and wish her all the best for the final!

If you would like to support Pierre Baby, please log on to follow his performance. live on 5 June on the MT180 YouTube channel !
This page will keep you up to date with all the latest news about the final (registrations, timetables, etc.).

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Research projects

[Research project] The FINALITY project wins the Doctoral Network of the Marie Sklodowska Curie programme (Horizon Europe)

We are delighted to announce that the FINALITY (saFe learnINg for LArge scaLe InTerconnected sYstems)supported by Francesco De Pellegrini (Avignon Computer Laboratory) was recently funded under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie 2023 (Horizon Europe) programme's call for projects for doctoral networks.

The European Commission gave the project an excellent score of 98.4 %, based on three criteria: excellence, impact and implementation. The total budget for the project is €4,027,672.80 over four years.

>> Find out more about the FINALITY project

[New] A page dedicated to current research projects

We are delighted to announce the creation ofa special page dedicated to current research projects. You will find an overview of the projects currently being carried out at Avignon University, whether national, European or international.

If you need assistance in submitting your own current research projects, please contact the Projects, Partnerships and International Development Department (DARI) for more information and support.


>> Discover the research projects page

[Partnership] New European Bauhaus: create your profile to access the network

Avignon University is a partner of the New European Bauhaus (NEB). This movement, linked to the European Commission's Green Deal, aims to help create a sustainable, innovative and inclusive future. It is a bottom-up movement whose aim is to make local initiatives known to a community of players (researchers, students, social innovation players, social entrepreneurs, etc.) at European level.

This partnership will enable us to :

  • find new partners for European projects
  • find out about initiatives by other players
  • take part in initiatives or projects
  • apply for funding
  • learn from the ideas and projects of other organisations

To create your profile and access the community, go here.

For more information, please contact

New European Bauhaus

Scientific and Technical Culture

Discover the programme for Pint of Science 2024!

The 2024 edition of Pint of Science returns to Avignon from 13 to 15 MayThe event will take place in three iconic bars: Pipeline, Grand Café Barreta and Gambrinus! Come and enjoy relaxed presentations by researchers who will share their scientific work, all in a friendly atmosphere. No prior knowledge of science is required! Many of our researchers and PhD students will be giving short, accessible talks on their areas of research.

Find out more about the events below.
Places are limited.

Call for entries to the fête de la science

Organised by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research, the Fête de la Science offers thousands of original, participatory events all over France.

This year it runs from 4 to 14 October.

It's open to everyone! Anyone who wants to talk about science and spread scientific culture.

Project registration for Avignon Université is open until 10 May 2024.

You can send your proposals for talks, conferences, stands, etc. to Aurélia Barrière at the DARI's CSTI Department at the following address

The projects on offer can be aimed at both schools and the general public.

Call for participation Fête de la science 2024

Provisional timetable for the University's operations :

  • Saturday 5 October 2024: science village in the heart of Avignon (30 to 35 stands on Place de l'horloge)
  • Wednesday 9 October 2024: a special science café on the theme of the year with researchers from the university
  • Thursday 10 and Friday 11 October 2024: University workshops on the JH Fabre campus (UFR STS)

Open Science

Discover: a new book on research data

Part of the collection Passport to open scienceThis guide covers the main concepts relating to the management and dissemination of research data. It is aimed at researchers like you, whatever your discipline! As you read on, you'll find explanations to help you understand what research data is, the issues involved in managing it wisely and the benefits of disseminating it, as well as how best to be supported in managing and sharing it.

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Doctoral Schools

Thesis defences

Development and intellectual property

UV Boosting: Laurent Urban and Jawad Aarrouf honoured in the Innovators 2024 Awards by Le Point

Laurent Urban and Jawad Aarrouf
Laurent Urban and Jawad Aarrouf

Laurent Urban, Professor of Agronomy and Plant Ecophysiology (Avignon University/UPRI - ERIT PSII: Plant Science, Interactions and Innovation) and Jawad Aarrouf, Senior Lecturer HDR in Plant Biology and Pathology (Avignon University/UPRI - ERIT PSII), have been included in the 2024 list of innovators published by Le Point newspaper. The exceptional panel of judges, including two Nobel Prize winners, pays tribute to the two professors-researchers whose discovery of the biostimulant effects of UV-C light flashes is currently being developed by the start-up UV Boosting for the benefit of more sustainable, more efficient and more resilient agriculture in the face of the challenges of climate change.

This list includes 100 leading-edge teams whose research will have an impact on the world. The awards ceremony for the 2024 inventors will take place on 1 March at the EDF Lab Paris-Saclay, during the Paris-Saclay Summit- Choose Science.

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Jean-Mars Zulesi, Member of Parliament, visited the experimental facilities of the Léa Saby (IMBE)

On Thursday 22 February, Mr Jean-Marc Zulesi, Member of Parliament (Renaissance) for the 8ᵉ constituency of Bouches-du-Rhône, visited the experimental facilities for the thesis of Mrs Léa SabyThe project was carried out as part of a CIFRE (Convention Industrielle de Formation par la Recherche) agreement with the Société des Carrières de la Ménudelle (SCLM).

During the visit, the specific characteristics of the aggregates production sector and SCLM's investment in research into restoration ecology to not only reduce the impacts of this exploitation, but also to propose innovative nature-based solutions in partnership with theUMR IMBE Avignon University.

The group in front of an artificial shelter to encourage the recolonisation of the Ocellated Lizard on the site of the rehabilitated quarry Photo: Charlotte Gonin, parliamentary attaché.
The group in front of an artificial shelter to encourage the recolonisation of the Ocellated Lizard on the site of the rehabilitated quarry.
Photo: Charlotte Gonin, parliamentary attaché.

EUR Implanteus & SFR Tersys

SAve the date: Tersys Implanteus Summer School (TISS3): 18, 19 and 20 June 2024

We are delighted to announce that the third TISS Summer School, jointly organised by SFR Tersys and EUR Implanteus, will take place on 18, 19 and 20 June 2024.

The 18th and 19th June will be held at the INRAE domaine de St Paul, Cœur de Centre building, in Avignon. June 20 will be held at INRAE Montpellier.

The aim of this symposium will be to share our research themes on the broad topic of One HealthWe will be presenting our different approaches (soil environment, health and nutrition, food safety, bees) through plenary lectures (with external, national and international guests) as well as oral and poster presentations by researchers, post-doctoral students, local doctoral students and the M2 IMAS Masters.

>> Further information and registration


[Distinction] The Mission archéologique à Paphos (MafaP) directed by Claire Balandier receives the label of the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres

The Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres has announced the award of its Archaeology label for the years 2024 and 2025 to ten projects selected by the Commission des Recherches archéologiques.
Among the winners of the label, the archaeological mission led by Claire Balandier in Paphos (Cyprus) is highlighted.

Claire Balandier is a historian and archaeologist affiliated to the History and Sources of Ancient Worlds laboratory (HiSoMA, UMR 5189), and a senior lecturer at Avignon University, specialising in Greek fortifications and town planning and the eastern Mediterranean in the Hellenistic period.
In 2008, together with Eric Morvillez, she co-founded the French archaeological mission to (Nea) Paphos, a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1980.

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History students from Avignon who took part in the Mission in 2022 in front of the exedra of an underground room decorated with a shell surmounting niches.
History students from Avignon who took part in the Mission in 2022 in front of the exedra of an underground room decorated with a shell surmounting niches.

Partnership chairs

[GIF Chair] Two new members join the Chair

The partners of the GIF Chair (Geodata, Real Estate, Real Estate) are delighted to announce two new members.

The General Directorate for Development, Housing and Nature (DGALN, Ministry for Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion) became an institutional member of the GIF Chair in April 2024. The DGALN, a key player in regional planning, promotes access to housing and sustainable resource management.

>> Find out more on the GIF Chair website

The Réseau National des Établissements Publics Fonciers d'État (National Network of State-owned Public Landholding Establishments) joined the GIF Chair in March 2024. This network brings together the 10 Établissements Publics Fonciers d'État and the 2 Établissements Publics Fonciers et d'Aménagement de la Guyane et de Mayotte. It is a major player in the land sector, operating in a wide range of market contexts. State-owned EPFs are active in nearly three quarters of the national population and in most major urban areas.

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[Chaire LIAvignon] Imen Ben-Amor defended the first thesis of the LIAvignon chair on 25 April 2024

The first thesis funded by Chaire LIAvignon was defended on 25 April 2024 by Imen Ben-Amor (Laboratoire Informatique d'Avignon), on the theme : "Deep modelling based on the notion of voice attributes for explicable speaker recognition: application to the forensic domain".edited by Jean-François Bonastre.
Congratulations to the young doctor!

>> More info


[Incoming mobility] Avignon University and IMBE welcome Dr. P. Valentina Carrasco Carballido

A Mexican national, Valentina works at the Autonomous University of the State of Morelos (UAEM), at the Biodiversity and Conservation Research Centre (CIBYC, Centro de Investigación en Biodiversidad y Conservación) in the Sustainable Management for Ecosystem Conservation and Development research team.

Its main line of research concerns ecological restoration with the participation of local communities. Valentina will be based at the Avignon IUT until June 2024. She is receiving support for incoming mobility from Avignon University.

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The portraits

April 2024

Gaël Depoorter - Senior Lecturer in Political Science

Gaël Depoorter is a lecturer in Political Science at the JPEG (Legal, Political, Economic and Management Sciences Laboratory). Her work explores the socio-political issues raised by digital technology, despite the widespread belief that these tools are revolutionising everything. She is more interested in what they maintain and transform. After thematising and sociologising the often obscure and strange world of 'hackers' in his thesis, he decided to tackle two new research topics in the same vein: data (based on open data tourism) and cryptocurrencies (with a particular focus on Bitcoin).

>> Read more

March 2024

To mark International Women's Rights Day, we invite you to meet four women who hold positions in various disciplines within the University, making a vital contribution to the institution's missions.

The Research and Innovation Support Department (DARI)

Trombinoscope DARI 2024

The Research and Innovation Support Department (DARI) supports the research activities of its laboratories.
It participates in the implementation and operational management of the University's scientific policy and supports research players in their relations with the various partners in the socio-economic world.

>> The Research and Innovation Support Department (DARI)