The laboratories

Research structures

The University's scientific policy is structured around two main areas: "Agrosciences, Environment and Health" and "Culture, Heritage and Digital Societies".

Research is carried out in humanities and social sciences laboratories, as well as in science and agrosciences laboratories, within the framework of research units, the vast majority of which are multi-site and under joint supervision with other universities and research bodies: 7 Joint Research Units (UMR), 2 Support and Research Units (UAR), 5 Own Research Units (UPR) and an Own Research and Innovation Unit (UPRI) made up of 3 Thematic Research and Innovation Teams (ERIT).

A synergy of skills and resources deployed within the framework of institutional strategies shared with these partners allows the implementation, around each of the two axes, of a real "intelligent specialisation" boosted by a Federative Research Structure and a Research Federation:

The SFR 4240 TERSYS for "Agrosciences, Environment and Health
The FR CNRS 3621 Agorantic for "Culture, Heritage and Digital Societies

These structures make it possible to respond to the major societal challenges set out not only in the Regional Plan for Higher Education, Research and Innovation of the PACA Region, but also in the National Research Strategy.