Avignon University

Actualités à la une

Universities: Danger!

29 November

[Thesis defence] 12/12/2024 - Davoud ARJANG MEHR: "Presentation of a conceptual framework and ranking of factors influencing the choice of event tourism destinations in Iran" (UMR ESPACE-DEV)

29 November

[Distinction] Lucas Potin (LIA) and Adrien Deschamps (-JPEG) win the open science prize for research data with the "Base Étendue, Améliorée et Unifiée des Annonces des Marchés Publics" project

27 November

Translation, adaptation, (de)codification - Forms of cultural hybridisation from the past to the future

27 November

[PhD defence] 09/12/2024 - Arthur AMALVY: "Natural language processing applied to the representation of narrative texts using character networks" (UPR LIA)

26 November

[PhD defence] 29/11/2024 - Irène Kinoti: "Remote sensing for the assessment of transboundary groundwater resources - The case of the Stampriet aquifer system (STAS)" (UMR EMMAH)

26 November

Évènements à venir

Aucun évènement pour le moment

Actualités par composante

UFR Arts, Letters and Languages

Musical talk by the Quatuor Girard led by Mickaël Samoy

21 February

UFR Humanities and Social Sciences

[Distinction] The Mission archéologique à Paphos (MafaP) directed by Claire Balandier receives the label of the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres

21 March

UFR Sciences, Technologies, Health

[PhD defence] 22/10/2024 - Lucas PETIT DIT GREZERIAT: "Improving the fertility of wine-growing soils by massive inputs of organic matter and inoculation with earthworms" (UMR IMBE)

16 October

UFR Law, Economics, Management

AED eloquence competition

24 October

University Institute of Technology

European Life VineAdapt project at the IUT in Avignon

27 October

Continuing Education


23 March