Validation of prior learning

Validation of prior learning is based on two regulatory and complementary systems that enable people to access training or obtain a diploma based on their professional and personal experience.


The VAPP - Validation of Acquis Professionals and Personnel (Waiver system)

Gain access to university through Validation of Personal and Professional Experience (VAPP) Would you like to enrol in a university course but don't have the required diploma? The Validation of Personal and Professional Experience (VAPP) allows you to apply for a course without the diploma usually required, by highlighting your professional experience and skills acquired outside the education system, provided that they are related to the course you are planning.

How do you go about it?

       1.identify the right training

Locate the diploma offered by Avignon University corresponding to your acquired experience.

      2 Putting together your file of VAPP :
- Request VAPP file at the following address
- Carefully fill in and complete your application with the supporting documents requested, then send it to the following address

     3.apply for training :
Once you have received a favourable opinion, you can apply for the course according to the current enrolment timetable.

🔗 L1 and M1 applications When you register for the course, you must submit your application on the relevant ministry platforms:

The VAPP is a unique opportunity to gain access to higher education by having the richness of your background recognised. Dare to take the plunge!

VAE - Validation of Acquis de lExperience (Skills certification scheme)

Legitimised by the social modernisation law of 2002 and modified by article 78 of law n°2016-1088 of 8 August 2016. Its objective is to enable the total or partial acquisition of a diploma registered in the National Register of Professional Certifications through the recognition of acquired experience and the demonstration of the skills developed.

VAE is a right enshrined in the French Labour and Education Codes. It is open to everyone: employees, self-employed people, jobseekers, volunteers, people who have carried out social activities, etc. The experience must be directly related to the diploma in question. It is open to everyone, regardless of age, nationality, status or level of training.

It should be noted that a reform of the VAE system is currently being rolled out. LAW no. 2022-1598 of 21 December 2022 on emergency measures relating to the functioning of the labour market with a view to full employment. The implementing decrees are being issued as we go along.

We invite you to consult the new platform France VAEwhich will manage all VAE applications nationwide. Some qualifications are already registered with this body.

How to start a VAE procedure at Avignon University?

  • Stage 1
    • I choose my diploma from the RNCP and supported by Avignon university
    • I look at France VAE if my diploma is referenced, I can continue the VAE process with the university.
  • Step 2
    • I make my request for educational eligibility by "submitting an application" on the university website (please note that there are deadlines) and I collect the administrative documents requested, which make up my livret 1.
    • I send my booklet 1 to the VAE unit with my payment
  • Step 3
    • Once I have received feedback on my pedagogical admissibility, I register for the VAE process (with or without support) with the VAE unit.
    • By entering my funding details (Funding options: CPF, France Travail, Region, Employer, OPCO, Personal, etc.)
  • Step 4
    • According to the current timetable, I'm starting to write my booklet 2
    • I pay the national diploma fees (compulsory).
  • Step 5
    • I must take part in the workshops (if I have chosen the support option).
  • Step 6
    • I'm handing in my booklet 2 by the deadline.
  • Step 7
    • I go before the VAE jury
    • He decides whether or not to validate my diploma (full, partial or refused validation).
  • Step 8
    • I would like to take part in the satisfaction survey
  • Step 9
    • If I have obtained full validation, I can apply to withdraw my diploma from the Avignon University Registrar's Office.

All the information concerning the stages of your VAE process can be consulted by clicking on Applicant's guide.

For any request concerning the doctorate, please contact the VAE unit at

  Key figures

  • 2021-2022

People registered: 24
People supported: 18
Total validation rate: 72 %
Partial validation rate: 12.5%

  • 2022-2023

People registered: 18
People supported: 13
Total validation rate: 55.5 %
Partial validation rate: 22.2%

  • 2023-2024

People registered: 18
People supported: 13
Total validation rate: 88.88%
Partial validation rate: 11.12%

Career opportunities and further study: you can continue your studies at university.

Disability Relay

Training accessible to people with disabilities.
Please contact the Relais Handicap :
A disability advisor is on site:
04 32 74 32 20

 Educational costs

Livret I deposit fees: coming soon
VLE registration fees: coming soon
VAE support costs (optional): to be announced


  Applications 2025-2026

The VAE application platform will open :

1st session: from 01/03/2025 to 30/04/2025

2nd session: from 01/09/2025 to 30/10/2025

 registration link


Mélanie Bergia
Tel. +33 (0)4 32 74 32 23

Important documents and links

Once registered, you will be asked to use
the Digital Working Environment (DWE).
Find out how to use it:

Pedagogical sequence

Practical information

Lifelong Learning