The session will take place on jthursday 26 october 2023 at 2.00 pm in room 1W48
Félicien Faury is a doctor in political science and a post-doctoral fellow at the CESDIP (Centre de recherches Sociologiques sur le Droit et les Institutions Pénales, UVSQ). His work focuses on the local electoral and partisan establishment of the Front/Rassemblement national.
He recently published "Extrême droite partisane et rôles municipaux. Le travail de représentation d'élus municipaux du Front National" (Pôle Sud, 2021) and, with Guillaume Letourneur, "Un culte du chef? Culture militaire et verticalité organisationnelle au Front national' (RFSP, 2020).
Elie Guéraut is a lecturer at the University of Clermont Auvergne and a researcher at Lescores, associated with INED. His current research focuses on the social and political recompositions at work in small and medium-sized towns. He is the author of Le déclin de la petite bourgeoisie culturelle (Raisons d'agir).
Achille Warnant is a doctor in geography at EHESS (UMR Géographie-cités). He is working on the development of three medium-sized towns in central France (Montluçon, Nevers and Vierzon) from the 1970s to the present day.