Communication, Research, Mediation and Dissemination of Scientific, Technical and Industrial Culture Unit

At the service of researchers, doctoral students, laboratories and federative research structures, the Centre supports and coordinates the dissemination of scientific, technical and industrial culture and research communication activities, aimed at a variety of audiences (scientists, the general public, schools, etc.).

Dissemination of scientific, technical and industrial culture

The dissemination of scientific culture is an important issue beyond the academic world, as it is at the interface of several major axes: access to scientific knowledge for all citizens, the development of young people's taste for science and the promotion of scientific and technical heritage.

In this perspective, partnerships with local and regional actors of scientific culture are being developed and contribute to enriching the scientific popularisation operations programmed throughout the year.


  • Midisciences A series of short lectures for the general public on various topics
  • Joint conferences with scientific culture players in the Vaucluse region
  • My thesis in 180 seconds
  • Pint of Sciences
  • CGénial competition
  • Cordées de la réussite
  • Partners in Science for the Classroom (ASTEP)

Communication Research

Its aim is to highlight the dynamism of university research in Avignon.

Services offered


Aurélia Barrière

Research and Innovation Support Directorate (DARI)
Head of Unit, Engineer

Oriane Joubé
Research and Innovation Support Directorate (DARI)
Communication Officer