House of Communication


The Maison de la Communication is responsible for implementing the internal and external communication policy of Avignon University.

In this capacity, she leads cross-cutting communication actions such as

  • the editorial functioning of the Web Portal
  • the development of the University's web projects
  • the implementation and application of a common graphic charter
  • publishing cross-cutting communication documents (training offer, Agenda-Guide, etc.)
  • press review and relations with the local and national press

It assists the entire university community in developing communication strategies adapted to their specific audiences, designs communication materials (brochures, programmes, posters) and coordinates their production.


Director of Communications : Claudie GALNON
Communication and Social Media Officer : Mathieu PRADALET
Communication Officer : Gaëlle FABRE
Graphic designer : Mélanie LEMAL
Secretariat : Baia PONTIER and Karinne MORIN

Additional information.

The Maison de la Communication is in charge of the elaboration and implementation of the Avignon University's graphic charter: you should contact it for all matters concerning the use of the Avignon University's logo, as well as for the variations of the stationery or the publishing supports (paper or web).

Contact the House of Communication if you wish to :

  • promote your actions to the public or the press
  • to have information on the graphic charter of Avignon University
  • obtain a model poster, letterhead, poster, logo or more generally to publicise one of the events you are organising
  • make a cultural or scientific news item appear or modify the information presenting your actions on the Web Portal

Work and news requests :

For all requests for the creation of communication media (stationery, publishing, posters, brochures, press relations and social networks), a ticket system is in place on theENT in the Support section.

Find, in the e-Doc from the House of Communication details of the procedures for creating these materials.

If you wish to organise an event at d'Avignon University, please fill in the following form the shuttle sheet and return it to the Maison de la Culture et de la Vie de Campus for validation.
Once the event has been validated, the House of Communication will be able to respond to your requests via a Ticket/Request for Assistance.


74 rue Louis Pasteur
84029 Avignon cedex 1

+33 (0)4 90 16 25 55


Key figures

  • More than 200 new communication documents (posters, leaflets, brochures) designed each year
  • 8,500 University Agendas published and distributed each year
  • 200,000 different visitors to the University's website each month
  • Over 15,000 likes on the Facebook page of the University
  • Almost 560,000 views on the YouTube channel of the University
  • More than 9000 subscribers on the Twitter feed of the University
  • Nearly 2000 subscribers on the Instagram account of the University