Subjects taught

Theatre, Literature, Criticism, Translation


Laboratory or team

UPR 4277 ICTT - Cultural Identity, Texts and Theatricality Laboratory

Component and department

UFR Arts, Letters and Languages

Research topics

The evolution of theories and practices of stage direction in Europe, approaches and readings of the classics on the stage (interculturality, cultural transfers), creative processes and the genetics of performances.


Paola Ranzini has been a university professor at Avignon University since 2003. She is a specialist in theatre (dramaturgy, aesthetics and stage practice, 18th to 21st centuries, in Europe). She is an elected member of the CNU (Section 18), a member of the Board of the Société Française d'Etude du Dix-huitième Siècle (SFEDS), a member of the scientific committee of specialised journals (ItineraUniversity of Milan) and collections ("Sediziose voci. Studi sul melodramma", LIM (Libreria Musicale Italiana), Lucca (Italy); "Ricerche IULM. Comunicazione, arti e media", Mimesis Edizioni, Sesto San Giovanni (Milan), Italy; "Quaderni di Gargnano", Bulzoni editore, Rome; "Le fonti dello spettacolo teatrale", Bulzoni editore, Rome), she is currently directing the multi-volume edition of Marivaux's Theatre in Italian translation for CuePress (Imola, Italy), and is co-editing the Marivaux dictionary. Paola Ranzini co-directed a project co-financed by the European Commission (programme: Creative Europe) on the five senses in theatre (SENSES: the Sensory Theatre. New transnational strategies for theatre audience building, 2015-2018) and is part of the international network LODEPA (Linked Open Data Ecosystem for the Performing Arts, led by Beat Estermann, Berne University of Applied Sciences) dealing with open archives and open data in the field of theatre. In the framework of a call for projects of the EN AgoranticShe worked on the design of a digital library for the performing arts, hosted by the EMAN platform (CNRS-ENS, ITEM, THALIM : http://eman-archives.org) : SEM (Scènes européennes Marivaux). At Avignon University, Paola Ranzini is the founder and head of the International Master Languages and Societies (double degree, Avignon University/University of Milan). She is currently supervising two theses, one of which, which benefits from a doctoral contract, is oriented towards research-creation.