Subjects taught

French medieval literature, medieval French language.


Laboratory or team

UMR 5648 CIHAM - History, Archaeology, Literature of the Medieval Christian and Muslim Worlds

Component and department

Modern Literature Department
UFR Arts, Letters and Languages
UFR Humanities and Social Sciences

Research topics

Late medieval lyricism, including the unnoted work of Guillaume de Machaut and productions by Oton de Granson.


Biography :
  • Studies in modern literature at the E.N.S. of Fontenay Saint-Cloud
  • Agrégation de lettres modernes
  • DEA "Functioning and stakes of the refrain in Christine de Pizan and Charles d'Orléans", University of Paris IV Sorbonne, under the supervision of Jacqueline Cerquiglini-Toulet.
  • Doctorate: "La poétique de la répétition chez Guillaume de Machaut. Diffraction et réfection", University of Bordeaux-Montaigne, under the direction of Danielle Bohler.
  • Master's degree in medieval language and literature (9th section of the CNU).
Publications : Publications of H BASSO