Subjects taught

  • Strategic management and organisational theory
  • Management of the extended enterprise and new organisational forms
  • Supply chain management (SCM), Flow and production management
  • Logistics services industry
  • Marketing and the packaging industry
  • Research methodology: problematics and qualitative approach


Component and department

Packaging, Wrapping and Packing Department
Avignon University Institute of Technology
UFR Law, Economics, Management

Research topics

Strategic management and logistics for organisations :

  • Cooperation strategies between companies
  • Steering network structures
  • Logistics management and supply chain management (SCM)
  • Management of inter-organisational interfaces and logistics service provision (LSP)


  • Since 01/09/2023: University Professor of Management Sciences (CNU 06)
  • 2023-2024: Deputy Director of the .JPEG laboratory - Avignon University (AU)
  • 2001: takes up a position as Senior Lecturer at the IUT of the University of Avignon and the Pays de Vaucluse
  • 1998-2000: Temporary Teaching and Research Associate (A.T.E.R.), I.A.E., University of Nice - Sophia Antipolis
  • 1995-1998: Research Assistant, I.A.E., University of Nice - Sophia Antipolis)
  • 2004: SFA-FNEGE (Advanced training seminar). Theme: "Management sciences: epistemics, pragmatics and anthropology".
  • 1998: SFA-FNEGE (Advanced Training Seminar). Theme: "Doing research in strategic management?
  • 1998: EIASM's Doctoral Education Network. Theme: "The strategic design of organization and innovation". Erasmus University Rotterdam (Netherlands).
  • 1996: CEFAG (Centre Européen de Formation Approfondie à la Gestion), FNEGE. Theme: "Epistemology and methodologies of research in Management Sciences".
Publications : Publications of François FULCONIS


Thesis in Management Sciences FULCONIS François (2000), Competitiveness in networked structures - Analysis method and managerial perspectives. Defended at IAE Nice on 18 December. Mention: "Très honorable avec les félicitations" du Jury à l'unanimité". Nominated for the AIMS-FNEGE 2000 thesis prize. Jury composed of Professors :
  • Professor Jacqus LEBRATY (Research Director),
  • Professor Nathalie FABBE-COSTES (Rapporteur),
  • Professor Serge VENDEMINI (Rapporteur),
  • Professor Yvonne GIORDANO (Suffragant),
  • Professor Gilles PACHE (Suffragant).
Habilitation to Supervise Research (HDR) in Management Sciences FULCONIS François (2022), Management of inter-organisational relations: a strategic, reticular and logistical approach to collective action. Defended at Avignon University (AU) on 06 July. Composition of the Jury :
  • Professor Gilles PACHÉ, Aix-Marseille University (Research coordinator)
  • Professor Karine ÉVRARD-SAMUEL, Université Grenoble-Alpes (Rapporteur)
  • Professor Véronique des GARETS, University of Tours (Rapporteur)
  • Professor Karim MESSEGHEM, University of Montpellier (Rapporteur)
  • Professor Nicolas AUBERT, Aix-Marseille University (Examiner and Chairman of the jury)
  • Professor Jean-Fabrice LEBRATY, Université Lyon 3 - Jean Moulin (Examiner)
  • Professor Pierre-Henri MORAND, Avignon University (Examiner)

International :
  • elected member of the Board of Directors of AIRL-SCM - International Association for Research in Logistics and Supply Chain Management
  • Coordinator of the international cooperation agreement between the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration (FEAA) of the West University of Timisoara (Romania) and Avignon University (since 2005)
  • Coordinator of a Franco-Romanian ERASMUS contract for higher education and mobility between the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration (FEAA) of the West University of Timisoara (Romania) and the University of Avignon (since 2009, renewed until 2028).