Subjects taught

Information and Communication Sciences. Museology
  • Communication of cultural institutions, exhibition design (Licence)
  • Semiotic analysis, exhibition concept, preliminary investigation (M1)
  • Knowledge mediation, research methodology (M2)
Museology seminar & "Culture and Digital" seminar (M2) Support for the projects of the young agency Museocom


Component and department

Information and Communication Sciences Department
UFR Humanities and Social Sciences

Research topics

  • Mediation through storytelling
  • Media treatment of live issues
  • Museum education
  • Museum, heritage and digital


Biography and research themes At the beginning of the 2015 academic year, I was appointed to a PU position at the University of Avignon in the Department of Information and Communication Sciences (SIC) after twenty years spent teaching science didactics at a University Institute for Teacher Training. My research path is thus made of back and forth between the field of Education Sciences and that of Information and Communication Sciences. It began with a thesis focused on the notion of "media transposition", in reference to the science exhibition. It continues with a habilitation to direct research (HDR) whose dissertation focuses on "museum literacy". The research carried out in the wake of this work led me to explore several issues related to the functions of narrative in the mediation of science and technology. I study different objects - the museum and the exhibition, the discourse of guides in the natural environment, children's literature albums or "docu-fictions" -, understood as knowledge mediation devices at the service of formal and non-formal education. At the same time, I am interested in the mediation of socially relevant scientific issues and socio-scientific controversies. Since my recruitment as a professor at the University of Avignon (2015), I have also been developing research in museology on the interactions between digital technology and the worlds of museums and heritage. Responsibilities Co-director of the Agorantic Research Federation (FR-CNRS 3621), a multidisciplinary research structure on the theme of "Culture, Heritage, Digital Societies. Co-director of the publication and editing of the journal Culture & museumsThis is a scientific journal whose publications are oriented towards new research work on the public, institutions and mediations of culture. Publications : Publications of Eric TRIQUET