Subjects taught
I teach the L1 and L2 years of the DUT in Biological Engineering at the IUT in Avignon (192h eq.TD):
L1-M1.3.01. Animal Biology and Physiology
L1-M2.3.02. Data analysis applied to agronomy
L1-M2.3.03. Anatomy, Biology applied to agronomy
L2-M3.1.01. Natural and transformed ecosystems.
L2-M3.4.02. Scientific communication
L2-M3.3.02. Statistical analysis
L2-M3.4.01. and M4.2.02. English
Laboratory or team
UMR 7263 IMBE - Mediterranean Institute of Biodiversity and Ecology EECAR
Component and department
Biological Engineering Department
Institute of Agrosciences, Environment and Health
Avignon University Institute of Technology
Research topics
The main aims of my research are to gain a better understanding of (plant) community assembly theories. In particular, the aim is to be able to answer fundamental questions concerning the explanation of the species richness of plant communities, their structuring and long-term dynamics. The results are then applied to the conservation management or ecological restoration of ecosystems degraded by phases of intensive agriculture.
Sept. 2020 - Aug. 2021 : Part-time CNRS delegation within the UMR CNRS IRD AMU - IMBE.Jan. 2012 - present: Senior Lecturer HDR 6th level (CNU 68), at UMR CNRS 7263 IRD - IMBE: Mediterranean Institute of Biodiversity and Ecology, Avignon University.
PES - October Scientific Excellence Award 2009-2021.
Index H (Oct. 2020) = 21 Sept. 2015 - present: Head of International Relations, Biological Engineering Department at the Avignon IUT.
Sept. 2019 - Aug. 2020 : CNRS delegation within the UMR CNRS IRD AMU - IMBE, with a 4-month stay at UC Davis, USA (France-Berkeley Fund grant). Sept. 2009 - Dec. 2018: Head of the Agronomy option, Biological Engineering Department at the Avignon IUT, DUT Agronomy option (L1 and L2 level; 52 students/year). Sept.-Dec. 2015: Chair at the Federal University of Minas Gerais & French Embassy in Brazil. 45 days Feb-March and Nov. 2014: Chair of the Universities of the State of São Paulo & French Embassy: UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista, Rio Claro, Brazil. 2 months. Oct. 2012 - April 2013: CRCT May-July 2012: Chair of the Universities of the State of São Paulo & French Embassy: UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista, Rio Claro, Brazil. 45 days. Jul. 5 2011: HDR - Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches, Université d'Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse. "Community and restoration ecology - Importance of disturbance, natural resilience and assembly rules'. Jan. 2008- Dec. 2011 - Leader of the PCP - Populations, Communities, Landscape research team within the IMEP - UMR CNRS IRD (Institut Méditerranéen d'Ecologie et Paléoécologie): 6 permanent researchers, 3 ATER, 16 PhD students. Jan. 2008 - Dec. 2011: Senior Lecturer (CNU 68), at the UMR CNRS IRD - IMEP: Institut Méditerranéen d'Ecologie et Paléoécologie, Université d'Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse. assembly rules, biotic interactions, restoration ecology. Sept. 2006 - Dec. 2007: Senior lecturer (CNU 68), in the restoration ecology team at the Avignon IUT, University of Avignon and the Pays de Vaucluse. assembly rules, biotic interactions, restoration ecology. 2005-2006: ATER (part-time) - University of Nice, EA 3156 Laboratoire LEML Laboratoire d'Ecologie Marine et Littorale. Biological invasions and effects on biodiversity, trophic relationships and implications for the reintroduction of species. 2004-2005: ATER (part-time) - Université Paul Cézanne, UMR CNRS 6116 - IMEP Institut Méditerranéen d'Ecologie et Paléoécologie. Resilience and restoration of herbaceous ecosystems. 2001-2005: Doctoral student, Université Paul Cézanne. "Ecological restoration of Mediterranean herbaceous plant communities: examples in south-east France and on the Californian coast (USA)". Paul Cézanne University.2000-2001: D.E.A. Biosciences de l'Environnement, Chimie, Santé, Université Paul Cézanne: "Les friches post-culturales en Crau peuvent-elles se restaurer à partir de leurs bordures avec des pelouses sèches relictuelles? Paul Cézanne University. March 2000 - July 2000: Ecologist - Volunteer - Grupo Ecologico Sierra Gorda & Pronatura Vera Cruz (Mexico). June 1999 - Feb. 2000: Restoration officer - 9-month fixed-term contract - US National Park Service, Golden Gate National Recreation Area, California, USA. 1998-1999: Master's degree in Population and Ecosystem Biology. University of Paris XI at Orsay on exchange with San Francisco State University (USA). 1998: Bachelor's degree in Organismal Biology. University of Paris XI at Orsay. 1997: DEUG B Life Sciences. Louis Pasteur University, Strasbourg.
Other training courses
1999: Wetland Delineation Certificate, US Army Corps of Engineers.1998: Certified diver for underwater research, Moss Landing Laboratories, SFSU - San Francisco State University, California, USA.
1998: Level 3 diver, Fédération Française d'Etude et de Sports Sous-Marins.
1996: Brevet d'Initiateur à la plongée sous-marine, Fédération Française d'Etude et de Sport Sous-Marins.
2019 : NITROX Diver, Fédération Française d'Etude et de Sports Sous-Marins.
Mis à jour le 24 September 2024