Subjects taught
Contemporary Spanish literature and civilisation. Literary translation.Structure(s)
Laboratory or team
UPR 4277 ICTT - Cultural Identity, Texts and Theatricality Laboratory
Component and department
UFR Arts, Letters and Languages
Research topics
- contemporary spanish and catalan theatre
- theatre and society (historical memory, "theatre of memory")
- theatre and heritage
- literature
- research-creation
Biography :
- 2022 > Professor, Department of Hispanic Studies, Avignon University. Deputy Director of the UdR ICTT (Cultural Identities, Texts, Theatricality)
- 2009-2022: Senior Lecturer, Department of Hispanic Studies, University of Avignon.
- 2003-2009: Senior Lecturer, LEA-Spanish Department, Haute Bretagne University, Rennes 2.
- 2001-2003: Lecturer in Spanish, Spanish Department, Université Stendhal Grenoble 3.
- 1999-2001: ATER, Spanish Department, Université Stendhal Grenoble 3.
- 1996-1999: Lecturer, Spanish Department, Université Stendhal Grenoble 3.
Avignon University
74 rue Louis Pasteur,
84 029 Avignon cedex 1
Avignon University