Subjects taught

  • General accounting, cost accounting, financial analysis, project management, digital economics, ERP-CRM.
  • Teaching provided in M2: M2 Polytech Montpellier, quality management and M2 SDPV and IFV Université d'Avignon, business management.

ORCID identifier


IDHAL identifier



Component and department

Marketing Techniques Department
Avignon University Institute of Technology

Research topics

The subject of our thesis research was management tools, in particular the ISO 9001 standard. We were interested in the mediating role played by the quality manager in the acceptance and perpetuation of the ISO 9001 standard within the organisation. This standard gives rise to numerous problems: understanding of the text and its specific terms, personal investment by the players involved, legitimacy and legitimisation, conflict of loyalties during internal audits, and so on. As a result of our analyses, we have developed a reflection on the process approach in organisations and its consequences, as well as a more methodological reflection on the criteria for distinguishing between quantitative and qualitative methods. We are currently looking at strategies for legitimising standards among the various stakeholders. Permanent member of the Montpellier Management Research Laboratory, associate member of the Biens Normes et Contrats Laboratory


Biography :

  • 2014: HDR, defended at the University of Avignon: "The legitimacy of management system standards: from object to field of research".
  • 2004: PhD in Management Sciences, defended at IAE Montpellier: "La norme entre paradoxe et nécessité : une étude du rôle du responsable qualité" (The standard between paradox and necessity: a study of the role of the quality manager).
  • 1991: Agrégation in Economics and Management, option B (ENS Cachan)
Publications :