Mot clé : Midisciences

[Midisciences 2024] Discover the full programme

News Research news

1 February 2024

We are pleased to announce that the Midisciences will resume from 1ᵉʳ February 2024. The Midisciences are short popular science lectures aimed at [...]

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[MidiSciences] Benoit Rossignol: "What role did volcanoes play in Roman history? An environmental history study".

22 January 2024

Date and venue: 08/02/2024 - 1pm to 2pm Avignon Université, Campus Hannah Arendt, 2E01 On 8 February 2024, the second Midiscience of the year will take place, presented by Benoit [...].

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[MidiSciences] Julie Deramond and Pauline Grison: "An exhibition as part of a research project: The olive tree, our tree".

16 January 2024

Date and venue: 01/02/2024 - from 1pm to 2pm Avignon Université, Campus Hannah Arendt, 2E01 Live on V-AU Free - you must register if you are not a member of the university [...]

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[Midisciences] "Land and property owners in France" by Guilhem Boulay, Laure Casanova-Enault and Rémi Lei

26 April 2023

Avignon Université, Campus Hannah Arendt, Amphi 2E01 Guilhem Boulay, Laure Casanova-Enault and Rémi Lei, lecturers in geography at Avignon Université (UMR 7300 CNRS ESPACE) will be presenting a Midiscience on [...].

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[Midisciences 2023] 4 May: "Land and property owners in France" by Guilhem Boulay, Laure Casanova-Enault and Rémi Lei

Guilhem Boulay, Laure Casanova-Enault and Rémi Lei (UMR 7300 ESPACE) will be presenting a Midiscience on 4 May 2023 on the subject of land and property owners in France.

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[MidiSciences 2023] 20 April at 1pm: "Insects and humans: how to change our relationship with these animals in the face of global warming" by Joffrey Moiroux & Marie Perrin (IMBE)

Joffrey Moiroux and Marie Perrin will be presenting a Midiciences at Avignon University on 20 April 2023 on the subject of "Insects and humans: how to change our relationship with these animals in the face of global warming".

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[MidiSciences 2023] "Jean-Henri Fabre, past and present" by Emile Laguna, President of the Association des Compagnons de l'Harmas et du Naturoptère - 6 April

Date(s) 06 April 2023From 13:00 to 14:00 VenueCampus Jean-Henri FabrePôle AgroscienceAmphi AgroOpen to all and available online here: On 6 April, Émile Laguna will present a [...]

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