[Portrait] Marielle Blanc, Financial Manager of the Laboratory for Experimental Cardiovascular Physiology (LaPEC)

What is your job?

After gaining experience in the private sector, I joined the University of Avignon in 2003, where I worked in various departments.
Today, I'm financial manager for STAPS and the laboratory LaPEC.
My mission is to support teaching and research through the financial and administrative management of these services.

Marielle Blanc - Financial Manager UPR LaPEC

What is its link with Research?

The financial manager acts as an intermediary for teacher-researchers in the administrative management of their projects. They help them draw up their budgets and manage income and expenditure in accordance with financial rules. In this way, they help to facilitate the involvement of researchers in their research work.

What does it mean to you to work at a university?

Working at the university means putting your skills at the service of others. It also means interacting with a wide variety of professions and passionate colleagues.
Through my business, I feel I'm making a small contribution to teaching and research..

What advice would you give to people who want to work in research support?

Research is open to everyone, so it's essential to seize the chance and create opportunities for yourself. It's also a collective adventure, allowing you to be in contact with different people, so it's important to enjoy working in a team and knowing how to communicate.

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The laboratory

The LaPEC's research projects focus on cardiovascular health and its improvement through exercise and/or nutrition in the context of cardio-metabolic pathologies. The work is based on a continuum ranging from the identification of vascular and cardiac remodelling and dysfunctions at an early, sub-clinical stage, to the study of their aggravation in stressful situations.

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