Research News - January / February 2022 #7

A LA UNE: MidiSciences 2022

We are delighted to announce that MidiSciences will finally be back in 2022 after a year's absence.

These are short lectures on a wide range of subjects aimed at the general public. The aim is to convey the essentials of a research topic, and then to share questions and thoughts on emerging knowledge in a discussion.

Due to health measures, only university students and staff may attend MidiSciences in person.

The Midisciences are offered on both campuses:

  • January to mid-March, Campus Hannah Arendt, amphitheatre 2E01, 1pm to 2pm
  • From the end of March to mid-May, Jean-Henri Fabre Campus, Agrosciences lecture theatre from 1 to 2 p.m.

The lectures will be available for viewing online on Canal U.

To follow them live, go here:

MidiSciences from 24 February to 7 April

The portraits

February 2022 - Christel Vidaller

Christel Vidaller is a lecturer in Ecology, Population Dynamics and Genetics, Conservation and Restoration at Avignon University and a member of the IMBE. Her research focuses on the dynamics of plant populations and communities in the context of restoration ecology.
Recently, in collaboration with Thierry Dutoit, she set out to find out what ecosystem services had already been identified in environments as common as intensively farmed fields or artificial meadows.

>> Discover his portrait

January 2022 - Frédéric Jeorge

Frédéric Jeorge is a doctoral student in Language Sciences at the Cultural Identity, Texts and Theatricality Laboratory (ICTT). After several careers in different countries and fields, he decided to return to his studies.
He is currently working on the way in which the level of French of young migrants from sub-Saharan Africa is assessed by official testing systems. By transposing his associative activity into formal research, Frédéric Jeorge hopes to give greater visibility and concrete means of action to a subject that is close to his heart.
>> Discover his portrait

Doctoral Schools

Jobs for Young Doctoral Students 2022

The South Region is renewing its support for future doctoral students in the region, renewing its "Young Doctoral Jobs" funding scheme for 2022.
Future doctoral students are invited to take note of this call for applications for "Young Doctoral Jobs". and the application form to download.

Complete applications must be submitted to before 1st March 2022 one copy in electronic format (only 1 PDF file per project) to the following address 

National 2022 "PhD Disability" campaign

The national "Doctorat Handicap" campaign has been renewed for 2022. As last year, 30 contracts will once again be funded by the Ministry, along with 180 months for extensions.

  • From Wednesday 30 March at 12 noon to Wednesday 11 May at 12 noon application forms
  • From Monday 27 June: transmission of results with confirmation request

Interested candidates should contact the doctoral schools directly to prepare their applications.
The application form and attachments (in PDF format only) must be submitted on the Ministry's web platform by the doctoral school departments or the department responsible for coordinating applications.


>> More info

Research projects

Launch of the two projects selected by the ANR in 2021

The NitrosoCard projectS-nitrosylation des myofilaments cardiaques: conséquences sur l'adaptation du cœur au stress mécanique", coordinated by Cyril Reboul (Cardiovascular Pharmacology Laboratory) was selected in 2021 by the ANR. The first publication of the results of this project appeared on 23 December 2021 in Basic Research in Cardiology: >>. Read more

The PERFECT projectPlanning and learning for AI-Edge computing", has also been selected for 2021 by the ANR. It is coordinated by Francesco De Pellegrini from Avignon Computer Laboratory (LIA).

These two projects will run from 2022 to 2025.

Launch of the project selected by the Southern Region in 2021

The project HYSOCALImpact des changements globaux sur les hydrosystèmes : un enregistrement par les isotopes des concrétions calcaires", supported by Marina Gillon and Marc Leblanc the laboratory EMMAHwas selected in response to a call for research projects from the Sud 2021 region.

Launch of the EcoXtract®Protein project

Pennakem Europa, INRAE, the Institut Carnot France Futur Élevage and Avignon University launched the EcoXtract®Protein project on 8 December 2021. The project is a winner of the Plan d'Investissement d'Avenir (PIA) programme operated by ADEME as part of the "Demonstrators and Innovation Territories of Great Ambition (DTIGA) - Bioeconomy and Environmental Protection" call for projects. Total financial support amounts to €4.8m.
Researchers from the GREEN team (UMR 408 SQPOV / Avignon University), led by Farid Chemat, will be taking part in the trials to optimise the extraction process.

The ÉCOLÉO® project nominated for the ITAINNOV 2022 competition - voting open until 1 March

The project ÉCOLÉO®to which Ombeline Claux contributed to the GREEN team (laboratory SQPOV/Avignon University), has been nominated for the ITAINNOV 2022 competition.

All you have to do is "Like" the YouTube video before 1 March to support this project!

Information on development, partnerships and intellectual property

Order of 15/12/21 on the devolution of IP rights in assets obtained by non-employee inventors and hosted by a legal entity carrying out research

Ownership of IP rights for trainees and other non-salaried staff working in research units.

Reference: Order no. 2021-1658 of 15 December 2021 on the devolution of intellectual property rights over assets obtained by software authors or inventors who are not employed or public employees hosted by a legal entity carrying out research.

This decree transposes the regime applicable to employee inventions and software to persons not employed by the research organisation, such as trainees, foreign doctoral students and emeritus professors or directors.
From now on, people who are not salaried but who are "hosted" under an agreement by a private or public legal entity carrying out research will be subject to the salaried inventor regime.

These adaptations concern, on the one hand, the economic rights to software, which will automatically vest in the host structure, and, on the other hand, the rights to an invention, which will now be subject to the same rules as those for employee inventors.
It will therefore no longer be necessary to sign assignment agreements in the case of trainee inventors/authors. However, trainee inventors will still have to receive financial compensation for their inventions. The ordinance refers to a future decree for the terms and conditions of this financial compensation.

Note that creations protected by copyright (excluding software) and/or designs are not affected.

We'll keep an eye on this as we expect a bill to ratify the ordinance and an implementing decree.

All the information on LegiFrance

Scientific and Technical Culture

Replica of the Cosquer cave: the horse panel unveiled

Sébastien Nogier / Région Sud

The last panel of the replica of the Cosquer cave was unveiled on 15 February at the Villa Méditerranée in Marseille.

This panel depicts horses, one of the most emblematic features of the cave. The replica of the Cosquer cave is due to open to the public in June 2022.

>> Read more

Sébastien Nogier / Région Sud

The role of CSTI for society... in 10 minutes.

To mark the 30th anniversary of the Fête de la Science, François MarchalChairman of the Comité Etat Région pour la Culture Scientifique Technique et Industrielle, presented his vision of CSTI at the Préfecture de Région Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur.

"If no one asks me what scientific culture is, I know what it is; but if someone asks me and I want to explain it, I don't know any more. So it is with CSTI, Scientific, Technical and Industrial Culture, and its role in society, just as it is with the weather or all those things that are totally obvious to us: they are the most difficult to explain. But that's what I have to do now. And I only have 10 minutes to do it.

>> Read the article

Press review of research at Avignon University

The Conversation: Article by Thierry Dutoit and Christel Vidaller

On 13 January 2022, The Conversation France website published an article by Thierry Dutoit (DR CNRS) and Christel Vidaller (MCF Avignon Université) entitled "Cultivated fields and artificial meadows: when 'ordinary' nature provides a service". It focuses on the role of ordinary nature in providing ecosystem services.

>> Read the article "Cultivated fields and artificial meadows: when 'ordinary' nature does us a favour".
The Conversation 13/01/2022

>> Read the INRAE press release 01/02/2022: Ecological compensation: how to propose effective measures to promote agroecology


Implanteus Lectures 2022

16 March 2.30 pm to 4 pm by videoconference - "Hemp bioeconomy: from molecules to buildings by Bernard Kurek (DR INRAE, UMR FARE Reims).

13 April 2.30 pm to 4 pm by videoconference - "Evolution of crops: from wild to domestic plants and vice versa". by Maud Tenaillon (CNRS Gif-sur-Yvette)

1st June 2.30 pm to 4 pm by videoconference -  "Uncovering the cause of a major food safety incident through the application of analytical chemistry". by Christopher Elliott (Queen's University Belfast) and Olivier Chevallier (DARI / Avignon University)

>> Follow live video conferences

Save the date : TISS1, Tersys - Implanteus Summer School

4, 5 and 6 July - SFR Tersys and EUR Implanteus are joining forces to organise their first symposium on 5 and 6 July 2022. It will be preceded on 4 July by the IMBL scientific day.

>> Pre-programme and registration details to follow on the Implanteus & Tersys websites.

The Research and Innovation Support Department (DARI)

The Research and Innovation Support Department (DARI) supports the research activities of its laboratories.
It participates in the implementation and operational management of the University's scientific policy and supports research players in their relations with the various partners in the socio-economic world.

>> The Research and Innovation Support Department (DARI)


If you are a member of the Avignon University community and have If you have a topic that could be the subject of a Research news item, you can submit a message below. Please provide as much information as possible: abstract, laboratory(ies) and person(s) involved, royalty-free visuals.


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