
The Université d'Avignon helps you build your training and professional integration project, as well as your entrepreneurship projects. The Service d'Accompagnement à la Formation, l'Insertion, la Réussite et l'Entrepreneuriat (SAFIRE) is equipped with a space for activities and advice on preparing for a career, and a documentation and information service on higher education, professional opportunities and sectors of activity.
It proposes a support in finding information and provides books and brochures on study courses and jobs (CIDJ, Onisep, Apec, etc.).
In addition to the paper documentation, its guidance pages offer a wide range of information to help you find your way around. bunch of sites specialized.
It organises modules and workshops support for the construction of training projects and project professional in the first and second year of the degree.

From professional meetingsmodules, the preparation for internships and Master's degrees and interview simulations are organised throughout the year.
SAFIRE also offers you a business start-up support (DU entrepreneurship? UEO, student-entrepreneur status, business creation games, student-entrepreneur club).

Information days for secondary school teachers and psychologists, university discovery days, forums, video-conferences and debates punctuate the "Bac -3 / Bac +3" continuum.

In parallel with the Parcoursup procedure, thehe "Bac -3 / Bac +3" continuum cycle enables the emergence of a culture of support. Throughout the year, it increases exchanges between secondary and higher education establishments, meetings between headmasters, teachers and staff from both secondary schools and universities.

Developing these exchanges allows toto act and improve the orientation and integration of the territory's high school and university studentsThe aim of the project is to develop a new approach to higher education, in full knowledge of the facts, and to act on the reality of the conditions of access and openness for all to higher education and training leading to qualifications, at the level of the academic region.

Finding information

  • Discover SAFIRE's documentation space on studies and job opportunities
  • Make an appointment for a one-to-one meeting with one of our careers advisors
  • Meet SAFIRE externally at forums, fairs and information days

Choose your direction, by being :

  • Guided in his documentary research
  • Accompanied in the construction of its project
  • Advised in the choice of his course
  • Helped and motivated to succeed in their studies

Preparing for professional integration

  • Explore the professional world through documentation
  • Attend the thematic conferences on career opportunities
  • Participate in student/professional meetings
  • Develop your job search skills

Service d'Accompagnement à la Formation, l'Insertion, la Réussite et l'Entrepreneuriat (SAFIRE)

74 rue Louis Pasteur - Case 9
84029 Avignon cedex 1

North building / Level 0
Offices 0E03 to 0E13

Opening hours :

Monday: 2pm - 5pm
Tuesday: 9am - 12pm / 1pm - 5pm
Wednesday: 9am - 12pm / 1pm - 4pm
Thursday: 9am - 12pm / 1pm - 5pm
Friday: 9am - 12pm

How to get there (.PDF format)
