To be published

284 pages
26 €
Print ISBN: 978-2-35768-169-9
Available on OpenEdition Journals :
Information and extracts from the EUA research notebook :
Culture & Museums | 42, from company to museum
Isabelle Cousserand-Blin, Aziza Gril-Mariotte (eds.)
Museums and companies enjoy close links, a long-standing phenomenon that has developed significantly in recent years as certain sectors - luxury goods, industry, food - have sought to enhance their heritage. For many sectors, the company museum is a showcase for know-how and a place for creativity: a proven phenomenon that shows that the relationship between museums and companies is not just about conserving and exhibiting old-fashioned products. The aim of this dossier is to understand the cultural, heritage and economic issues at stake in this encounter between the world of business and that of the museum.
Under the direction of
Isabelle Cousserand-Blin is a lecturer in information and communication sciences at the IUT Bordeaux Montaigne and a researcher in the Médiations, Informations, Communication, Arts (MICA, UR 4426) laboratory at the University of Bordeaux Montaigne, working in the 'Communication, Organisations, Society' (COS) area. Her research focuses on the relationship with memory and the use of the past in organisations, forms of legitimisation and professional identities. She was Director of IUT Bordeaux Montaigne from January 2018 to December 2022.
Aziza Gril-Mariotte is a professor of art history at Aix-Marseille University and a researcher at the UMR TELEMMe. After writing her thesis on printed textiles in the eighteenth century, she went on to become a member of the UMR TELEMMe.e and XIXe century, she continued her research into creation and innovation in the industrial arts and into industrial art museums in the nineteenth century.e siècle en France. Her habilitation to direct research, defended in 2021 at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, was on the theme: "Une histoire des étoffes imprimées, des arts industriels au patrimoine (XVIIIe -XXIe siècle). Creations, collections, museums". Since July 2022, she has been Director of the Musée des tissus et des arts décoratifs in Lyon.
With contributions from
M. Bahuaud, J. de Bideran, N. Cerezales, D. Chaney, M.-C. Demain-Frackowiak, D. Douyère, A. Florimond-Clerc, A. Giguère, C. Jacob, L. Lacôte-Gabrysiak, R. Lambert, E. Lapina, A. Le Clere, R. Mencarelli, S. Nicolas, J. Poisat, D. Poulot, M. Pulh, L. Roulet Marchis-Mouren, G. Salatko, A. Savy, M. R. Schärer, M. Simon, C. A. Tassinari, M. Thébault, N. Vaccari, C. Van Vyve and N. Vidal.
Mis à jour le 13 December 2023