UPR 4278 LAPEC - Laboratory of Cardiovascular Experimental Physiology

The LaPEC's research projects focus on cardiovascular health and its improvement through exercise and/or nutrition in the context of cardio-metabolic pathologies. The work is based on a continuum ranging from the identification of vascular and cardiac remodelling and dysfunctions at an early, sub-clinical stage, to the study of their aggravation in stressful situations. More specifically:
- The identification of early vascular and cardiac remodelling and dysfunction and associated cellular mechanisms in at-risk populations (isolated obesity, metabolic syndrome, pre-diabetes, diabetes) allows the implementation of strategies and interventional programmes to limit the development of an inconsistent and stress-sensitive cardiovascular phenotype.
- These impairments are the cause of increased sensitivity to physiological (exhausting exercise, adrenergic stress) or pathological (ischaemic accident) stress phenomena, and make it possible to identify cardiovascular dysfunctions that are silent or discrete in the basal state.
The appearance of a vicious circle involving inflammatory and oxidative stresses and the phenotypic modulation of adipose tissue in the development of cardiovascular disorders, as well as the impact of prophylactic strategies (exercise and/or diet and/or supplementation) are a central focus of the team.
Agnès Vinet
Head of the clinical division
Guillaume Walther
Head of the experimental unit
Cyril Reboul
Communication officer
Grégory Meyer
Courses offered
- Master in Human Movement Sciences
Research activities
- Cardiovascular Function and Adipose Tissue: Modulation by Exercise and Nutrition
- Exercise: from cardioprotection to myocardial stress
Hospital collaborations
CH Avignon, CHU Nîmes, CHU Clermont-Ferrand, SSR les Oiseaux (Sanary sur mer), Institut Saint Pierre (Palavas-les-Flots)
MSE / SME collaboration
- Lescuyer" Laboratory: Evaluation of the hypotensive effect of an industrial plant extract.
- Company "Yvery": Evaluation of the health effects of natural antioxidants.
- Company " Naturex " cardiovascular effects of natural antioxidants
- VitaApi" company: Health effects of biomolecules induced in selenium algae
Further information
Skills and know-how
- Exploration of the biological and molecular effects of physical exercise and/or nutrition.
- Clinical / Pre-clinical / Experimental studies.
- Evaluation in vivo and ex vivo of the cardiovascular system, latest generation imaging.
INRAE Domaine Saint Paul
LaPEC building / Avignon University
228 route de l'aérodrome - 84000 Avignon
+33 4 13 95 13 44
Heart / Vessels / Exercise / Nutrition / Cardiometabolic diseases / Oxidative stress / Adipose tissue
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Mis à jour le 24 May 2023