UMR 7263 IMBE - Mediterranean Institute of Biodiversity and Ecology EECAR


The Mediterranean Institute of Biodiversity and Marine and Continental Ecology (IMBE) is a Joint Research Unit, a laboratory dedicated to the study of biodiversity.
The Mediterranean Institute of Biodiversity and Marine and Continental Ecology (IMBE) is developing an integrative approach to the study of biodiversity and socio-ecological systems.
The IMBE provides fundamental and applied knowledge on the functions and historical and evolutionary dynamics of biodiversity in all types of Mediterranean ecosystems, from the construction of paleo-ecosystems to their future in the context of global change. These contributions also include links with civil society on the one hand and human health issues on the other.
Through its involvement in research, training and scientific development, the IMBE plays an active role in the environmental transition and sustainable development, helping to define local, national and international environmental policies.

Since 1 January 2024, the two teams historically present at the Avignon

IRPNC : Engineering for the Restoration of Natural and Cultural Heritage

and BES : Biomarkers, Environment

merge into a single team, which becomes :

Écology, Eco-toxicology Chimie Applied to theAgroécologie et à la Restauration EECAR

Director: Armin Bischoff PR IUT AU

Team leader Gérald Culioli, PR AU / Joffrey Moiroux MCF AU

Faced with the erosion of biodiversity due to global changes (land use, climate, biological invasions, pollution), theEECAR team aims to (i) develop approaches for diagnosing the state of health of ecosystems, and (ii) produce original results and innovations for ecological restoration or the sustainable management of natural and cultural heritage, as well as assessing their effects and legal prospects.

On the one hand, the team relies on ecotoxicological approaches (development of biomarkers, in particular) and chemical (research into chemomarkers) and on the other hand, on the characterisation of populations and communities (vegetation, terrestrial invertebrates)The aim is to identify bioindicators and gain a better understanding of the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning.

The approaches used stem from therestoration ecologytheecological engineeringtheagroecologythe nature protection law and chemistry heritage. They enable EECAR to contribute to conservation-restoration of cultural heritagethe protecting, restoring and rehabilitating socio-ecosystems as well as the implementation of a sustainable management of agroecosystems. The team is also studying the legal instruments used to prevent damage to the natural environment, as well as their compensation systems.

On the Internet



  • CNRS
  • IRD
  • AMU

Emmanuel Corcket, Pr AMU

Deputy Director
Carole Borchiellini, MCF AMU, Deputy Director
Anne Bousquet-Melou, PR AMU, Deputy Director
Armin Bischoff, PR AU, Deputy Director
Brigitte Talon, MCF, Deputy Director
Marine Berro, IE CNRS, Administrative Manager

Courses offered


  • Master's Degree in Life Sciences
  • Master's degree Teaching, training in physical sciences and chemistry
  • Erasmus Mundus Master in ARCHaeological MATerials Science (ARCHMAT)
  • Master Agrosciences
  • IUT Biological Engineering, Agronomy and Food Science and Biotechnology options
  • IUT Techniques de Commercialisation.

Research activities

  • Ecology of plant communities
  • Restoration ecology and ecological engineering
  • Conservation biology and biodiversity
  • Environmental law
  • Plant resins and archaeology
  • Art varnish chemistry
  • Study of plant colour and pigments
  • Ecotoxicology / Study of the impact of phytosanitary practices used in apple orchards on non-target organisms
  • Development of alternative control methods to insecticides
  • Development of biological water quality indices specific to the Mediterranean region
  • Nanotoxicology: effects of metal oxide nanoparticles on invertebrate organisms


Academic partnerships

  • University of Leuven (Belgium) 
  • University of Regensburg (Germany)
  • University of Jena (Germany)
  • CNRS Lebanon
  • University of Porto Alegre (Brazil) 
  • University of Cotonou (Benin) 
  • University of Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) 
  • University of Thessaloniki (Greece) 
  • University of Tüebingen (Germany) 
  • University of Castilla la Mancha / Toledo (Spain)
  • University of Lincoln / Christchurch (New Zealand)

Industrial partnerships

  • SCLM Company (quarry restoration)
  • SPSE company (oil spill restoration)
  • CDC Biodiversity Company (intensive orchard restoration)
  • Société CNR (restoration of dykes on the banks of the Rhône)
  • Association CEN-PACA (restoration and conservation of the Crau steppe)
  • Tara Rubia Company (natural dyes)
  • Nexira Food (resins, food processing)
  • National, regional museums

Further information


  • Development of early indicators of environmental dysfunction, ecological restoration.
  • Identification and study of biomarkers and degradation markers of natural substances.


  • Plant and animal ecology
  • Biochemistry
  • Ecotoxicology
  • Analytical and organic chemistry
  • Photochemistry
  • Heritage chemistry

Specific equipment

  • Analytical techniques of chemistry (UFR Science).
  • Field and laboratory equipment, restoration ecology (IUT site).
  • Biochemical analysis equipment (Agrosciences site).
  • Observation and identification material (Agrosciences website).
  • Insectarium (agrosciences site)
  • Respirometer for insects


Jean-Henri Fabre Campus, Agroparc site :

  • UFR Sciences : 301 rue Baruch de Spinoza, 84 916 Avignon
  • IUT : 337 Chemin des Meinajaries, 84 911 Avignon


+33 (0)4 90 84 38 26



Biology / Ecology / Biochemistry / Ecological engineering / Botany / Ecotoxicology / Nanotechnology / Biomarkers / Bioindicators / Biodiversity / Sustainable agriculture / Environment / Conservation / Zoology / Museology / Biological control / Mediterranean / Analytical chemistry / Archaeology / Resins and natural dyes / Egyptology

Documents to download

French/English version of the fact sheet in PDF

News 2024

July 2024 - Podcast "Le retour du sauvage: Sous le béton, le sol vivant de la Crau" with Thierry Dutoit - Marsactu

March 2024 - [Incoming mobility] Avignon University and IMBE welcome Dr. P. Valentina Carrasco Carballido