The Laboratoire des sciences Juridiques, Politique, Économiques et de Gestion is pleased to welcome as part of the "Matins du -JPEG" 2025 :
Patrick GIANFALDONI, MCF in Political Economy - .JPEG Laboratory - Avignon University
for a talk entitled :
Presentation based on the book "Quand l'économie sociale et solidaire fait territoire", Patrick Gianfaldoni, Nadine Richez-Battesti, Laurent Fraisse (dir.), EUA - Editions Universitaires d'Avignon, 2024.
The aim of the book is to explore three areas of knowledge in greater depth: to provide an account of the singularity and diversity of the relationships between cooperatives and associations and territories; to provide a better understanding of the variety of relationships between the social and solidarity economy (SSE) and local public action; and to understand how the multi-stakeholder territorial dynamics in which SSE actors and enterprises participate can generate territorial ecosystems that can lead to territorial regulation. Firstly, we will look at issues relating to territorial cooperation. The aim is to highlight, on the one hand, the salient features of the territorialisation of cooperative societies and, on the other hand, the subsidiary forms and territorial polarisation. Then the processes of revealing and developing territorial resources will be highlighted, with particular attention paid to the socio-economic models of social centres, third places and a social integration enterprise.
The discussion will be collective.
The session will take place on Friday 7 March 2025 at 10am, on the Hannah Arendt campus, in room 2E03.