The Legal, Political, Economic and Management Sciences Laboratory is pleased to welcome as part of the "Matins du -JPEG" 2025 :
Gilles PACHÉ
University Professor of Management Sciences, Aix-Marseille University (AMU), Aix-Marseille Centre for Management Studies and Research (CERGAM)
for a talk entitled
Thinking Outside the Box: A heterodox approach to logistics
Logistics and supply chain management (SCM) are too often approached from an operational perspective, and the world's best journals in the field favour an optimistic view with articles that could be published in applied mathematics journals. Fortunately, more and more work is being done on the strategic challenges of logistics, but the focus is still on industrial and commercial companies.
However, an exploration of certain historical and societal facts enables us to broaden the 'analytical spectrum' by highlighting the fact that logistics is an invisible yet essential component. In short, the time has come to adopt a 'heterodox' approach to logistics, by opening up a dialogue with a diversity of researchers in the Human Sciences. This is the aim of this presentation, which takes a twofold approach, with a number of examples:
The aim is not to adopt an iconoclastic stance for the sake of provocation, but to highlight the extent to which management tools, particularly those used in logistics, can shed light on the contemporary world and the world of yesteryear.
The discussion will be led by Jérôme JoubertMCF in Economics (-JPEG-AU)
Carine ANTIQ, Doctoral student in Management Sciences (.JPEG - Avignon University) supervised by Agnès PARADAS, co-supervised by Jean-Robert ALCARAS,
for a talk entitled
"Discourse as a management tool for associations working in the field of health and education social work".
My dual position as a doctoral student and manager in a social work association means that I have to think about the 'inseparability between the observing system and the observed system' [Avenier 2011]. The aim of the research is therefore to understand the managerial functioning of an organisation in this field, which implements the mission of 'specialised prevention'. This sub-category of child protection is based on free adherence to educational support for marginalised adolescents in their living environment. These organisations are relatively marginal objects of study in Management Sciences, particularly from a managerial point of view. Third-sector organisations have specific operating characteristics, as they are entirely dependent on public funding to carry out their missions within a restrictive regulatory framework. The dimension of appropriating management tools [Boussard 2008] from the private sector [Bernet et al., 2016] could be a response to the accountability dimension [Dumez 2013]. The exploratory survey enabled us to refine the questioning around oral expression as a possible management tool for the managerialization of this professional field. Several major determinants were identified: the pre-eminence of oral management, mutual adjustment, the strong presence of endorecruitment among managers and a possible performative dimension in the communications issued by managers. The field research model used focused on the technical managers of an association. The field survey focused on middle managers via focus groups and on senior managers via projective questionnaires. We will be looking for the presence of 'symbolic devices' [Bryon-Portet C. 2011], fictional space due to the management implemented [Bozzo-rey, 2015] and the type of organisational configuration [Mintzberg 2004] at work.
The discussion will be led by Gilles Paché, University Professor of Management Sciences (AMU).
The meeting will take place on Friday 14 March 2025 at 10.00 a.m. in room 2E03