Catégorie : News
[MidiSciences 2023] 20 April at 1pm: "Insects and humans: how to change our relationship with these animals in the face of global warming" by Joffrey Moiroux & Marie Perrin (IMBE)
Joffrey Moiroux and Marie Perrin will be presenting a Midiciences at Avignon University on 20 April 2023 on the subject of "Insects and humans: how to change our relationship with these animals in the face of global warming".
Avignon University is recruiting at the Direction des Études et de la Scolarité : Temporary students for the 2023-2024 enrolment campaign
Training news
4 April 2023
Mission: To welcome, inform and support students and prospective students (physical and telephone reception). Process students' applications for administrative enrolment. Applications to be sent before 08 April 2023 [...]
[Popularisation of science] call for entries "Telling and meeting science" competition, by the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF)
The AUF Western Europe is launching the third edition of its "Conter et rencontrer les sciences" (Telling and meeting science) competition to reward the best French-language popular science content produced by [...].
Arts and Culture Days / JACES
Campus News
31 March 2023
From 4 to 6 April, the Journées des Arts et de la Culture dans l'Enseignement Supérieur (JACES) are back. A week to discover the artistic and cultural offerings on the [...]
[MidiSciences 2023] "Jean-Henri Fabre, past and present" by Emile Laguna, President of the Association des Compagnons de l'Harmas et du Naturoptère - 6 April
Date(s) 06 April 2023From 13:00 to 14:00 VenueCampus Jean-Henri FabrePôle AgroscienceAmphi AgroOpen to all and available online here: On 6 April, Émile Laguna will present a [...]
[MidiSciences 2023] "Free energy in soils: Understanding plant resistance to water deficit", by Florian Cajot, PhD student UMR EMMAH 1114 - 30 March
28 March 2023
Open to all and to be followed online here: On 30 March, Florian Cajot will present a Midisciences on the theme: "Free energy in soils: a new way of [...]
BU 2023 survey
24 March 2023
From 27 March to 14 April, the University Library of Avignon is conducting a survey in order to better understand the practices, opinions, expectations and needs of users in terms of [...]
Family Planning clinics
Campus News
23 March 2023
Benefit from the listening and support of a marital and family counsellor on campus. The Family Planning will be present in the university premises on 22 and 29 March as well as in [...]
23 March 2023
Government aid for work-linked training has been extended for another year until 31 December 2023! As of 1 January 2023, the amount of aid will now be unique ➡️ 6000€ [...]
[Event] 31 March - Information session and methodological workshops - Arts, culture, humanities and social sciences in Horizon Europe
Research news
22 March 2023