Research news - March / April 2023 #13

Portraits Scientific and Technical Culture
Research projects Valuation
and intellectual property
EUR Implanteus Doctoral Schools
Open science
Research press review


Launch of the GIF Chair in Geodata, Real Estate and Land Management

The GIF (Geodata, Real Estate, Real Estate) partnership chair was officially launched on Friday 31 March 2023 on the Hannah Arendt campus of Avignon University.
Co-directed by Laure Casanova Enault and Guilhem BoulayThe GIF Chair is made up of four founding members, all key players in the land and property sector: Adequationa consultancy specialising in data and property markets; the Ceremaa public body specialising in sustainable regional development; Best Agentsthe French leader in online property valuation and Union Sociale pour l'HabitatUnion nationale des fédérations d'organismes HLM. These four socio-economic partners, keen to contribute to scientific research, are contributing to the funding of the GIF Chair.

The Chair also benefits from the institutional support ofAvignon UniversitytheUMR CNRS 7300 ESPACEand SOUTH PACA Region.

The team of around ten members is made up of teacher-researchers, doctoral students, post-doctoral students and trainees in geography (UMR 7300 ESPACE) and statistics (Laboratoire de Mathématiques d'Avignon - UPR 2151). The different specialisms of the members give the Chair an interdisciplinary approach that is essential to future research.

Focusing on the issue of the selection of land and property by market players and its consequences, the GIF Chair's research programme will give priority to the use of massive, geo-referenced and original data made available by the partners. It will focus on four main objectives:

  • Identifying the behaviour of buyers of land and property;
  • The location of building projects ;
  • Characterisation of timeshare ;
  • Estimating the value of real estate assets.

>> More information on the website :

Launch of the GIF Chair

Launch of the GIF Geodata Real Estate Chair on Friday 31 March 2023 in the presence of the partners


April 2023

Guilhem Boulay is a lecturer in geography at Avignon University, within the UMR ESPACE.
His research in economic geography focuses mainly on property markets. Initially, he focused on the spatio-temporal variability of property prices, about which little was known (on a fine scale) until recently, due to a lack of available data. Real estate data (its volume, quality and availability) is his second area of research. Finally, he is interested in the digital transformation of the property market and its impact both in urban terms (segregation, public regulation) and on the structuring of the sector (disintermediation and reintermediation of the market, changes in business models).

>> Discover his portrait

Guilhem Boulay - Senior lecturer in geography (UMR ESPACE/Avignon University/CNRS)

March 2023 - Four portraits to discover

To mark the international women's rights day on 8 marchWe are delighted to present four new portraits of women who are helping to bring Research at the university to life. Discover the portraits ofIsabelle Auriola specialised assistant librarian (BIBAS) at the university library's researcher service, from Sylvie Cantet-Seguina research development engineer at the Department of Research and Innovation Support (DARI), fromAlice Châteaua lecturer and researcher in microbiology in the SporAlim team at the SQPOV laboratory (Safety and Quality of Plant Products), and ofAlice Morneta lecturer in private law and criminal sciences at the LBNC.

>> Read more

Scientific and Technical Culture

[Event] Joint conference between the Café des Sciences and Avignon University

"The genus Homo is not what it used to be" by François Marchal, CNRS researcher (ADES UMR 7268 CNRS/AMU/EFS laboratory), palaeoanthropologist

10 May at 8pm at the Théâtre des Halles in Avignon

Did you know that palaeoanthropologists no longer know how to define the genus Homo?

While more than fifty years of research have advanced our knowledge enormously, they have also profoundly altered our vision of this genus of ours, to the point where they no longer know, biologically, who and what we are. This conference will offer an insight into this ongoing revolution.

>> Read more

human evolution

[Event] 22, 23 and 24 May: the Pint of Science festival returns to Avignon

Pint of Science returns to Avignon for the 2023 edition, in two Avignon bars: the Pipeline and the Gambrinus!

Come and hear scientists talk about their research in a relaxed setting.
No scientific knowledge required!

A number of researchers from the university's laboratories are offering a variety of talks on their research topics, accessible to all: museology (CNE), statistics (LMA), artificial intelligence (LIA), sport (LAPEC), fruit and vegetables (GAFL).

Places are limited.

>> Reservations and full programme

[interview] éditions universitaires d'avignon: interview with isabelle brianso and guido castelnuovo

Isabelle BriansoSenior Lecturer in Information and Communication Sciences and Museology (CNE) and Guido CastelnuovoDirector of Éditions Universitaires d'Avignon and Professor of the History of the Middle Ages (CIHAM), were interviewed by Teddy Follenfant for the programme "Les Midis RCF Vaucluse". They talk about the book, published in December 2022 in the USA: Living World Heritage Every Day Dynamics and discourse among residents " (Isabelle Brianso and Dominique Cassaz - architect and town planner), linked to the 25th anniversary of the inclusion of the centre of Avignon in UNESCO's World Heritage List.

>> Listen to the replay

Research projects

[Culture] European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) Culture & Creativity: calls for projects

The EIT Culture & Creativity is launching its calls for projects for 2024 and 2025, in the fields of education, innovation, creativity and society.
All the information you need is available on the EIT website.

>> Go here

[IT] The BRUEL project wins first prize for "speeD-poster" at the Interdisciplinary Workshop on Global Security (WISG)

Project BRUEL - development of a methodology for evaluating voice identification systems is an ANR project led by the Laboratoire Informatique d'Avignon (LIA) (Driss Matrouf), in partnership with IRCAM, EURECOM, CEA and SNPS.

The project began on 1 January 2023 and will run for 42 months.

It aims to propose a methodology for generating decoys using voice synthesis or voice conversion in order to understand what differentiates an artificial identity from a real one.

The poster presented at the Interdisciplinary Workshop on Global Security (WISG) organised by the ANR, which took place at the Palais du Pharo in Marseille on 21 and 22 March 2023, received first prize in the "speed-poster" category.

>> Review of the event on the ANR networks

Poster presented at the WISG 2023 - Project BRUEL - development of a methodology for evaluating voice identification systems

Development and intellectual property

new secure tool: invention declarations to SATT Sud-Est can be made online

To speed up the valorisation process and make it easier for you, invention declarations go paperless.

This new tool will support you right from your first results and will follow you throughout the funding and call for projects process to protect and promote your work in the socio-economic world.


>> Create an account

>> The platform

EUR Implanteus

[events] Implanteus conferences Lectures

  • Tuesday 23 May - "Use of solitary bees for pollination and apivectorate" by Ljubisa Z. Stanisavjevic (Biology, University of Belgrade, Serbia)
    From 2.30pm to 4.30pm, by videoconference here
  • Tuesday 13 June - "Marine biodiscovery in Irish waters (and beyond)" by Olivier P. Thomas (Galway univ., Ireland)
    10am to 12pm, Jean-Henri Fabre Campus, Agrosciences Amphitheatre

[event] 14, 15 and 16 June: Tersys Implanteus Summer School - 2nd edition

The second edition of the Tersys Implanteus Summer School will take place on 14, 15 and 16 June 2023 on the Jean-Henri Fabre campus of Avignon University.
June 14 will be devoted to UNESCO Chair in Green and Sustainable Plant Chemistry. On 15 June, TISS 2 will feature plenary lectures, oral presentations and poster sessions in the following fields environment & biodiversity and the day of 16 June will be dedicated to a botanical and wildlife expedition.

>> More information to come on the websites ofImplanteus and Tersys

>> Register via  

Doctoral Schools


Open Science

[tool] La bu launches toolbox for open science

In line with the guidelines set out in the National Plan for Open Science, Avignon University is committed to open access to scientific publications and research data.

To help you better understand all the concepts associated with Open Science, the University Library is providing a "toolbox". You will find useful resources on legal aspects and copyright, as well as a list of practical guides that will be updated regularly.

>> Discover the Open Science toolbox

In addition, a dedicated alias has been created to facilitate all your Open Science activities. Please don't hesitate to contact us:

Research press review



The Research and Innovation Support Department (DARI)

The Research and Innovation Support Department (DARI) supports the research activities of its laboratories.
It participates in the implementation and operational management of the University's scientific policy and supports research players in their relations with the various partners in the socio-economic world.

>> The Research and Innovation Support Department (DARI)