Research News - March / April 2021 #3


The OLIVE4ALL research project, "Olive heritage for sustainable development: raising community awareness of a living heritage", winner of European funding

Julie DeramondDoctor in Contemporary History, lecturer in Information and Communication Sciences at Avignon University and researcher at the Centre Norbert Elias, has received funding from the European Commission's JPI CH programme (Joint Programming Initiative on Cultural Heritage and Global Change) to run her OLIVE4ALL project until 2024. The OLIVE4ALL project is one of 6 selected and funded by international experts (out of 90 applications received).

The OLIVE4ALL project (Olive Heritage for Sustainable Development: Raising Community Awareness of Living Heritage) aims to study how to put heritage and its enhancement at the heart of regional development proposalsto meet the challenges facing society today.


Information on development, partnerships and intellectual property

A 5-year partnership with the Cultural Foundation "The Route of the Olive tree" and the Fédération des Musées d'agriculture et du Patrimoine Rural (AFMA) around the "Heritage of the Olive Tree" supported by the Centre Norbert Elias (CNE).

A framework agreement has just been signed between the Fondation Culturelle "The Route of the Olive tree "a Greek partner based in Kalamata and currently chaired by France, the French Federation of Agricultural and Rural Heritage Museums (AFMA) based in Paris and Avignon University on behalf of the Laboratory Norbert Elias Centre (CNE) on the Heritage of the Olive Tree "The aim is to promote the cultural heritage of the olive tree in France's southern Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur and Occitanie regions.
This project is supported by Julie Deramond for the CNE, for a period of 5 years.

The objectives of this partnership are

  • to jointly undertake initiatives aimed at better understanding and promoting this unique cultural heritage for the benefit of the local community through the creation of an inventory of the olive tree heritage in Mediterranean France;  
  • to work together to implement initiatives to promote the civilisation of the olive tree in France in the southern Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur and Occitanie regions;  
  • to undertake initiatives aimed at raising awareness of the olive-growing heritage in other Mediterranean regions: Europe, Eastern Europe and the Maghreb.

A number of specific agreements (collaboration, internships, theses, studies) will be signed to formalise the various initiatives undertaken to promote olive heritage.

The portraits

March 2021

On the occasion of the international women's rights day on 8 March 2021, we wanted to highlight the portraits of 4 personalities who work every day for the supporting research at Avignon University. Their areas of expertise are varied, ranging from finance to biology and information systems administration.


February 2021

For the month of February, we're sharing a portrait of Benjamin Derhy Kurtz, PhD and ATER in Information-Communication.
It studies the creative industries and cultural institutions: in particular the television, film and music industries.

>> See his portrait


Doctoral Schools

Upcoming thesis defences

  • Tuesday 16th March Sydney RISDON Consumption of intense non-caloric sweeteners and cardiometabolic health: effects on glycaemic control and vascular function in rodents" - LaPEC
  • Thursday 25 MarchJeanne SIMON Combined MRI, histology and modelling approach to study resource distribution in plant architecture - the case of tomato and the response to water deficit" - UR1115 & UMR5221
  • Friday 2 April Émilie GROUSSON Hybrid amphiphilic molecules 
    with hydrogenated and fluorinated chains: Synthesis, study of self-association dynamics and application to the transport of hydrophobic active ingredients" - UMR 5247
  • Tuesday 25 May Hussein KANSO - "Model reduction, parameter estimation for a population of genotypes and genetic control analysis." - UR1115

The Doctoral Schools section of the website gets a facelift

We have updated the "Doctoral studies" section (formerly "Doctoral life").
This will make it easier for you to find the information you need: I want to do a PhD, I am a young doctor, I am currently a PhD student, I wish to direct a thesis.

>> Doctorate" section

University Research School (EUR) Implanteus

Registrations open for the International Master's Degree in Agrosciences

Applications for the International Masters in Agrosciences (IMAS) are still open.

>> Go here


Signing of an international research project agreement between Avignon University and the University of British Columbia (Canada)

This signature will support a new Franco-Canadian international research project (IRP) entitled "Maxwell - Berger Low-Noise Underground Research Laboratory (MBL) PROJECT. This is a highly innovative project, bringing together researchers from different disciplines developing imaging methods ranging from geophysics to medicine.


Research projects

Results of the Agorantic RFP 2021 call for projects

This year, 7 research projects have been selected by the Research Committee for the Agorantic RF.

>> Find out more here

Scientific and Technical Culture

Call for entries: Fête de la Science

A national benchmark event for scientific, technical and industrial culture, the Science Festival is one of the highlights of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region.

In 2021, it takes place from Friday 1 to Monday 11 October 2021 for the 30th edition.

The University lecturers, students and staff can take part by proposing an operation aimed at disseminating scientific, technical and industrial culture in a wide variety of ways: exhibitions, workshops, demonstrations, meetings, visits to companies, laboratories, etc., readings of scientific stories, readings of texts, lectures, etc.

All the sciences, including the humanities and social sciences, are welcome.
The operations are aimed at school or to general public.

To get involved (conferences, screenings, exhibitions, etc.), send a message to :

The 3A Platform

Over the next few months, Platform 3A will be deploying a new information management system developed by Agilent Technology. This software package will be used to manage the various instruments, methods, users, stocks of consumables, laboratory workload (unit time per analysis, equipment capacity), as well as managing costs and recording incidents in order to plan maintenance on all the analytical platforms making up Platform 3A at the INRAE and Avignon University sites. This tool, which will be accessible via a dedicated internet portal, will help to raise the Platform's profile and boost internal and external scientific research activity.


Horizon Europe events

Webinar: presentation of Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions in Horizon Europe
Tuesday 23rd March - from 9 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.
>> Go here

How to prepare a successful proposal in Horizon Europe
Wednesday 24th March - from 10 a.m. to 4.15 p.m.
>> Registration required here

Horizon Europe Webinar on Transport, Energy and Climate

Friday 16 April from 1 p.m. to 3.15 p.m.
>>  Registrations

Environment Week in Avignon
From 5 to 10 April - Organised by the Latitudes association and the student associations BANG and La SAJES

Tuesday 6 April at 7pm Conference Global warming and the erosion of biodiversity" by Joffrey Moiroux, Senior Lecturer at Avignon University and researcher at the Mediterranean Institute of Biodiversity and Ecology (IMBE)
Compulsory registration


Implanteus conferences Lectures
By videoconference

Wednesday 14 April - 2.30pm: Olivier Dangles (Avignon University)
"Plant secondary metabolites and their importance to humans."

Wednesday 19 May -2.30 pm: Linda Kinkel (Dept. Plant Pathology, University of Minnesota)
"From ecological theory to practice: microbial management for healthy crops."

>> All the info here  

CSTI event
Round-table discussion: "Theatre in the digital age: can an empty screen serve as a stage?

Tuesday 4 May at Avignon Université Campus Hannah Arendt (to be confirmed)

Organised by Madelena Gonzalez, Director of the Cultural Identity, Texts and Theatricality Laboratory at Avignon University & Helen Landau, Director of the Théâtre du Chapeau Rouge, Avignon.

Round table: a collection of testimonials from performing arts professionals and researchers on digital practices in the world of theatre, and reflections on the future of theatre and digital technology.

  • General public. Face-to-face, health conditions permitting, with simultaneous transmission.

>> More information to come in our news section Research.

The House of Research

The Maison de la Recherche supports the research activities of its laboratories.
It participates in the implementation and operational management of the University's scientific policy and supports research players in their relations with the various partners in the socio-economic world.

>> The House of Research


If you are a member of the Avignon University community and have If you have a topic that could be the subject of a Research news item, you can submit a message below. Please provide as much information as possible: abstract, laboratory(ies) and person(s) involved, royalty-free visuals.


By entering your request on this contact form, you agree that we may keep your data for the time necessary to provide you with an answer. The person in charge of the processing is Mr. President of Avignon University and you may exercise the rights conferred on you by the General Data Protection Regulation by contacting the Data Protection Officer: .