Student / Graduate

Reflect on your professional project

  •  Our tools to work on your professional project

Netvibes Discovering the sector/trade

the pages of bunch of sites

  • The Observatory of Training and Professional Insertion (OFIP)

OFIP carries out, analyses and disseminates surveys on the professional integration of Avignon University graduates and produces a directory of professions based on these surveys.
Each year, it updates a map of the new baccalaureate students registered at Avignon University. It produces various indicators, either monitored or ad hoc, concerning, for example, internships carried out by Avignon University students, or the success of their degree courses.
Job Entry Surveys

  • Group workshops from literature search

In the process of being programmed

  • Appointment with a guidance engineer

All undergraduates have a Guidance Engineer who is responsible for their course of study

To make an appointment: go to ENT and follow these instructions
1° log on to your ENT
2° click on "Administration
3° click on "contact your Director of Studies/Guidance Engineer".
4° click on "Contact RDV IO
5° fill in the e-mail that opens and send it
Please note that the Guidance Engineer's reply will be sent to the student's address (of the type:

Setting up your business

Do you want to be an entrepreneur?

Are you a student with an idea or a project?
The University can support your challenge and accompany you.
From numerous events and facilities are offered throughout the year: UEO business creation, DU Entrepreneurship, student-entrepreneur status, business creation games, student entrepreneurship club, etc.

Want to know more? Contact us !

Supporting the search for a traineeship/job/job

Support for Master's mobility

  • You have obtained your bachelor's degree and wish to register for a master's degree in another academic region? Thesupport for master's mobility is there to accompany you
    This is a monthly financial aid of 1000 euros spread over 10 months for students with grants. The conditions are very simple: you just need to hold a Bachelor's degree, to be registered and pursuing your Master's degree in a different academy, and to be a holder of a grant or aid based on social criteria.
    more details on the website

Going on an internship

Are you preparing to go on an internship?

Law No. 2006-396 of 31 March 2006 on equal opportunities reformed the system for receiving trainees in companies. The internships covered by this law must be covered by an internship agreement signed by the intern, the host company and the educational establishment. To begin your internship, your agreement must be signed by your educational supervisor and yourself, by the company and finally by the President of the University according to the following procedures.

Your administrative arrangements

You can also find the information and internship agreements on your ENT>Administration tab>Internship section

If your internship takes place on national territory:

Two weeks before the start of your internship you must provide the person in charge of internships at your UFR with a copy of your civil liability certificate. This must specify that the cover extends to placements within the framework of your university course. It must also cover the entire duration of your placement.

When the duration of the internship exceeds two consecutive months in a private company, an association, a public company of an industrial or commercial nature or a State administration or public establishment, the intern receives a bonus.

If you are going on an internship abroad :

At least one month before your departure, you should contact your social security centre (MEP or LMDE) to complete your social protection in the host country.

For the signature of your agreement by the President, you must attach :

  • photocopy of your European Health Insurance Card, if you are going to the European Economic Area
  • Or photocopy of a specific form (SE401Q 104 or 106), if you are going to Quebec
  • Or photocopy of a complementary health insurance, with an organisation of your choice (Mutuelles étudiantes or private mutual insurance companies) for all other countries.

You must also attach a certificate of civil liability which states that the cover extends to placements abroad as part of your university course. It must cover the entire duration of your placement.

As soon as your agreement is signed by all parties, the internship office of your component will contact the Caisse Primaire d'Assurance Maladie (Service Relations Internationales - CPAM DE VAUCLUSE - 7 RUE FRANCOIS 1ER - 84000 AVIGNON), which will return to this office a certificate of coverage for work-related accidents for your internship abroad

A photocopy of this certificate will then be sent to you by the Traineeships Office. This certificate can only be issued if the traineeship does not give rise to remuneration which may give rise to rights to industrial accident protection in the foreign country. If this is not the case, the foreign employer must complete this document. This document should then be sent to your traineeship office.

: Internship agreements are managed by your pedagogical secretariat, who can also provide you with a list of previous years' courses.

Organising an event on campus

  1. Make an appointment with the Campus Life Office to help you with your application (
  2. Complete a shuttle formand deposit it at the secretariat of the House of Culture and Campus Life (0w46)
  3. Send, via a support ticket to the Communication HouseThe elements necessary to communicate on the website and social networks (royalty-free visuals, presentation texts, practical information, etc.)

Creating a student association

Visit us at Campus Life Officelocated on the Hannah Arendt campus, North building, in 0W44