The Foundation

Avignon University created its university foundation in 2013, when universities were given the opportunity to set up their own foundation in the framework of the law on the freedom and responsibilities of universities (LRU) of 10 August 2007.
This creation was made possible thanks to the commitment of two emblematic founders, Pierre Berger and the City of Avignon, who provided an initial endowment of €1 million
It marks the university's desire to build lasting partnerships with the socio-economic world, to involve the actors of the ecosystem in the institution's future and to position itself as a major player in the development of its territory.

Georges LINARES, Chairman of the Foundation.



Thanks to the commitment of its members and to sponsorship, the foundation has set up strategic partnerships allowing the deployment of concrete actions intended for the students and teacher-researchers of Avignon University, organised in synergy with companies and communities.

These actions are based on two priorities:

Entrepreneurship and Innovation
  • Promote and encourage the creation of start-ups and technology transfer
    Supporting teacher-researchers and students in their entrepreneurial approach
  • Supporting research and innovation
    Promote research and encourage collaborative projects with companies
    Opening research units to the socio-economic world
    Supporting the international development of Avignon University
  • Improving the professional integration of students
    To improve the adequacy of training to the expectations of the socio-economic world
    Strengthen exchanges with the professional world
Social and solidarity action, particularly for students in difficulty
  • Facilitating academic success
  • Improving living conditions
  • Promoting Health and Well-being
  • Responding to exceptional situations

The Avignon University Foundation is administered by a management board, which sets the strategy and activity programmes.

Initially made up of 18 members, it now has 17, divided into 4 colleges.

The Management Board elects from among its members a Bureau composed of a President, two Vice-Presidents, a Secretary and a Treasurer. The Bureau assists the Management Board and the President of the Foundation in the exercise of their functions.

College of representatives of the institution, composed of 9 seats, one of which is allocated ex officio to the President.

  • Georges Linares, Professor of Computer Science, Chairman of AU
  • Christine Pepin, Professor of Organic Chemistry, Innovation Support Officer, Head of ERIT SAFE (Institut AES)
  • Lise Renaud, MCF in Information and Communication Sciences (Institut CPSN)
  • Alain Richaud, MCF in Geography (Institut CPSN), Vice-Chairman in charge of the Board of Directors
  • Carole Mathe de Souza, MCF HDR in Chemistry and Director of the AgES Institute
  • Jean-François Blanco, Director of the Research and Innovation Support Department (DARI)
  • Ludovic Bernard, Director of La Maison de l'Orientation et de l'Insertion (MOI)
  • Florence Decuyper, Director of General Affairs and Steering Assistance (DAGAP)
  • Nabila Bellamine, Director of the Lifelong Learning Department (SFTLV)

Founders' College, initially comprising 2 seats.
- Pierre Berger, French businessman and patron of the arts
- Cécile Helle, Mayor of Avignon

College of qualified persons, comprising 5 seats, one of which is automatically allocated to the university's student vice-president

Professor of Computer Science, Chair of Artificial Intelligence & Language, Grenoble Alpes University.

Antoine BILY
Director of Integrated Solutions, Naturex-Givaudan

Chantal MINIER
former president of the Innov' Alliance competitiveness cluster and former R&D director of Panzani

Deputy Director of Culture, Conseil régional de la Région Sud PACA


Student Vice President

Donor College, composed of 2 seats:

  • Association Carpensud, represented by its Vice-President Patrice ROUVIER
  • La Poste Group, represented by its Delegate for territorial relations in the Vaucluse, Pierre-Hubert MARTIN

The Bureau :

  • Chairman: Georges LINARES
  • Vice-Chairmen : Karen NIELSEN and Alain RICHAUD
  • Treasurer: Pierre-Henri MARTIN
  • Secretary: Florence DECUYPER

Foundation Director : Anne-Lise ROSIER (Director of Villas, Projects and Strategic Partnerships)

As a university foundation carrying out missions of general interest, the Avignon University Foundation receives donations which are subject to the provisions relating to sponsorship.
The foundation gives the right to tax reductions depending on the nature of the donors:

  • for companies: the tax deduction is 60 % of the amount of the contributions within the limit of 5‰ of the turnover (five per thousand);
  • for individuals: 66 % of the amount of the payments within the limit of 20 % of taxable income;
  • for taxpayers liable for the real estate wealth tax (IFI): 75 % of the amount of the donations on the IFI contribution (ceiling of 50,000 euros).

(Indicative data, for official data, please contact the Higher education, research and innovation website.

External communication
Name and logo of the donor on the website of the Avignon University Foundation and on the publications related to the supported project
Photographic rights: you have the possibility to use photographs related to the supported project for the institutional communication of your company

Internal communication
Rooms, auditoriums or gardens can be made available for the organisation of seminars, internal meetings, assemblies, etc.

Public Relations
With the academic and institutional world and the other partners of the Foundation:
Invitation to various events of the Foundation or the University

With your employees, customers and partners:
Possibility of a private visit to a research unit, to our Creative Villa
Possibility of a private tour of the University and its heritage

Sending information about the supported project, the Foundation and the University

Possibility of highlighting your partnership in the press,
Possibility of organising an official signing of the agreement, to which the press is invited



  • From the foundation: Name and logo of the donor on the website of the Avignon University Foundation
  • From the donor: Logo/mention of its role as a sponsor of the University Foundation on its website or other communication media

Partnership benefits

  • Courses
    Dissemination of the sponsor's needs in terms of internship projects
    Avignon University will send you the dates and themes of the courses linked to our training courses
  • Recruitment
    Facilitating contact with graduate students for the recruitment of new employees


  • Invitation to various Foundation events, Patrons' Days - heritage tour.
  • Sending the magazine "Carnets" in digital format


INITIAL profile


  • Possibility in its institutional communication of highlighting the actions that its donation has made possible
  • Possibility of organising an official signing of the agreement, to which the press is invited
Partnership benefits
  • Collective visit of research units and technological platforms
  • Individual interview: overview of the laboratories' research activities, identification of the sponsor's needs.
  • Direct contact with laboratories and technological platforms in the event of a need identified by the company
  • Transmission of targeted information on training (initial, FTLV) and research (targeting to be carried out with the partner)
  • Access to a selection of lectures
  • Preferential rental of Avignon University spaces (rooms, amphitheatres, gardens, stages)


  • Research Newsletter
  • Information on current thesis topics and defence dates
  • Information on patents published during the year (after agreement of the inventors), subject to contractual obligations.


Partnership benefits

  • Individual visits to the university and its heritage are possible.
  • Villas (Creative, Naturality): individual visit, access to the Villas ecosystem, possibility to participate in the partners' committee
  • Individual visits to research units and technology platforms
  • Access to technology platforms at preferential rates
  • Possibility of R&D proposals to laboratories and research federations AGORANTIC and TERSYS
  • One day's free use of Avignon University's facilities (rooms, amphitheatres, gardens, stages) and then at a preferential rate beyond that


  • Invitation (N seats offered) to the Avignon Festival (Palais des Papes and AU Mineral Court)
  • To be associated with scientific, educational or cultural events proposed by the university

Together, let us support research, innovation and the entrepreneurial approach of our researchers and students. Let us support a generation of creative and supportive students in their projects.

Any questions?
We would be delighted to meet with you or to talk by telephone to present our actions in more detail and to consider together the modalities of a possible partnership.

Do not hesitate to contact us: 07 60 58 04 21 -