Subjects taught

Strategic marketing, e-marketing, commercial communication, market research.


Laboratory or team

UPR 3788 -JPEG - Legal, Political, Economic and Management Sciences Laboratory

Component and department

Marketing Techniques Department
Avignon University Institute of Technology
UFR Law, Economics, Management


Biography :
  • Since 2014:
Head of Marketing Techniques Department Head of the Professional Banking Licence - Individual Customer Adviser
  • 2005-2009 :
Higher education sector expert Ministry of Foreign Affairs Service de Coopération et d'Action Culturelle - MALI - Embassy of France Activities Institutional support for: introduction of the LMD reform setting up a contractualisation policy for universities and higher education establishments Assisting the DNESRE with its budget planning: simulations and studies on higher education policy guidelines Management of bilateral research projects between France and Mali (scientific mobility programme: calls for projects, examination of applications, constitution of expert committees to select projects, agreements, monitoring and evaluation) 4 calls for projects funded between 2006 and 2009; 18 north-south missions and 68 south-north missions; Budget of 300,000 euros Management of the project's Masters II and PhD grants
  • 2001-2005 :
Higher education sector expert Ministry of Foreign Affairs Service de Coopération et d'Action Culturelle - Madagascar - French Embassy FSP MADSUP project: launch and monitoring of vocational training courses, creation of a university-business partnership unit.
  • 1994-2001 :
Senior lecturer in management science at the Avignon Institute of Technology (IUT)
  • 1991 - 1994 :
Research assistant - higher education monitor ATER (Temporary Teaching and Research Associate) IAE University of Montpellier II Publications :