Headed by a President and governed by three central councils, the university is organised in such a way as to contribute, alongside the other structures of Higher Education, to the development of research and the raising of the scientific, cultural and professional level of the nation and individuals.
At the university, there are components (structures grouping together teaching departments and laboratories or research centres) and common or central services responsible for the administrative and technical running of the university.
The Vice-Presidents
The President's team consists of :
- Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors: Alain Richaud
- Vice-Chair of the Research Committee: Gaëlle Mesgouez
- Vice-Chairman of the Training and University Life Committee: Bassam Jabaian
- Vice-president for University Life: Audrey Abonnen
- Vice-Chairman responsible for International Relations: Sophie Antoine
- Vice-Chairwoman responsible for economic development and professional integration: Florence Charles
- Vice-Chairman responsible for Digital: Thierry Spriet
- Deputy Vice-Chair Equality-Diversity: Justine Gonneaud
- Vice-president for Culture: Isabelle Brianso
- Vice-Chairman responsible for Environmental Transition: Céline Bourgeois
- Deputy Vice-Chair Student : Laura Agrinier
The project leaders
- Biodiversity officer: Joffrey Moiroux
- Head of educational innovation: Thierry Spriet
- Science and Society & Open Science Officer: Thierry Clavel
- Innovation Officer: Christiane Pépin
- Disability officer: Guido Castelnuovo
- Communication Strategy Officer: Émilie Pamart
- Digital project manager: Yannick Estève
- Mobility Officer: Stéphane Sammartino
- Work-linked training, apprenticeships and continuing education officer: Fabien Monnet
The Director General of Services
The Director General of Services exercises, under the authority of the President, the functions of Director General of Administrative Services. He assists the President in all circumstances of the administrative life of the institution. To this end, he has a general delegation of signature.
The Director General of Services in office is Stéphane Bourdageau.
The Accounting Officer
The university has an accounting officer who is a public accountant responsible, in complete independence, for the collection of revenue, the payment of expenditure, the custody and safekeeping of the institution's assets and funds, the handling of funds and account movements and the keeping of the accounts of the accounting office.
The accounting officer in office is Claude Guintoli.
The President
The university is headed by a President elected by an absolute majority of the elected members of the Board of Governors. The President's term of office is 4 years and may be renewed once.
The President is assisted by three Vice-Presidents elected within their respective committees or councils (Board of Directors, Research Committee and Training and University Life Committee).
It has authority over all university staff.
He is the authorising officer for expenditure and revenue.
He is responsible for maintaining order and represents the university to the outside world.
The Presidents of Avignon University :
- Georges Linares (2023 - )
- Philippe Ellerkamp (2015-2023)
- Emmanuel Ethis (2007-2015)
- Michel Volle (2002-2007)
- Henri Méloni (1997-2002)
- Bernard Blavoux (1992-1997)
- Françoise Pécaut (1988-1992)
- Guy Cheymol (1984-1988)
Mis à jour le 15 January 2025