
The Chairman is assisted by three Vice-Chairmen elected by their respective Councils.

The Board of Directors

The board of directors is the decision-making body of the university: it determines the general policy of the institution. To this end, it defines the medium- and long-term strategy within the framework of the institution's contracts with its supervisory body (five-year contracts), by drawing up and voting on the institution's strategic note.

Within the framework of this policy, it also defines the university's annual resources, in terms of jobs and budget. It also votes annually on the human resources policy and the university budget, before approving the financial accounts (subject to annual certification by an auditor).

In accordance with the institution's strategy and depending on the means available, it studies and approves all actions and changes in terms of research, training and professional integration.

Finally, it is to the Board of Directors that the President reports on the decisions taken in the course of his duties.

Vice-Chairman :
Alain Richaud

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The Academic Council (ACC)

According to article L712-4 of the Education Code, the Academic Council includes the members of the Research Commission and the Training and University Life Commission.

The disciplinary section and the section responsible for examining individual questions relating to the recruitment, assignment and career of teacher-researchers shall be set up within it.

The full Academic Council is consulted or may make recommendations:

  • on policy guidelines for training, research, dissemination of scientific, technical and industrial culture and scientific and technical documentation,
  • on the qualification to be given to vacant or requested teaching and research posts,
  • on the application for accreditation mentioned in Article L613-1 of the Education Code and on the establishment contract.

It proposes to the Management Board a multi-annual master plan for disability policy, covering all areas of disability.

It is consulted on all measures aimed at guaranteeing the exercise of academic freedom and the trade union and political freedoms of students.

The Research Commission (RC)

The Research Committee of the Academic Council distributes the budget for research as allocated by the Board of Directors and subject to the strategic framework for its distribution as defined by the Board of Directors. It sets the operating rules for the laboratories and is consulted on agreements with research organisations. It adopts measures to enable students to develop activities for the dissemination of scientific, technical and industrial culture.

Vice-Chairman : Gaëlle Mesgouez

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The Commission for Training and University Life (CFVU)

The Training and University Life Commission of the Academic Council is consulted on the training programmes of the components. It adopts the distribution of the budget for training as allocated by the Board of Directors and subject to compliance with the strategic framework for its distribution, as defined by the Board of Directors. It also adopts the rules relating to examinations and the evaluation of teaching. Finally, it issues a set of measures designed to :

  • to promote the success of the greatest number of students, the orientation of students, the validation of their achievements and their entry into working life;
  • to develop cultural, sports, social and community activities for students;
  • improving the living and working conditions of students (including measures relating to support activities for university and school works, medical and social services, libraries and documentation centres);
  • developing access to digital resources;
  • to promote interactions between science and society, initiated and led by students or teacher-researchers within the institutions as well as in the territory of influence of the institution;
  • to improve the reception and success of students with a disability or disabling health condition.

Vice-Chairman : Bassam Jabaian

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