Withdrawal of diploma

The diploma will be issued at the request of the person concerned approximately 6 months after the jury's deliberation.

Procedure to be followed :

You need to download the application for withdrawal of diploma and send it or drop it off at the Registrar's Office.

Allow at least three weeks between your request and the issue of your diploma.

If your original diploma has been destroyed, lost or stolen, you can apply for a request for a duplicate diploma supported by official documentary evidence enabling the validity of the claim to be verified (statement of claim, receipt of complaint, declaration on honour, etc.).

Once your diploma has been edited, you can then retrieve it either :

On site, at the reception desk of the Department of Studies and Tuition, Monday to Friday, 1.30 pm to 4.30 pm (you will receive an e-mail informing you that your diploma is available):

You will need to show your identity card and return the original provisional certificate of your diploma (if you have withdrawn it).

In case of withdrawal of your diploma by a third party, all the following documents must be presented:

  • the power of attorney completed and signed,
  • the identity card of the third party,
  • a copy of your identity card,
  • the provisional certificate of your diploma

By post:

When you submit or send your application to withdraw your diploma, you must enclose :

  • a copy of your identity card,
  • the original provisional certificate of your diploma (if you have withdrawn it)
  • an A4 envelope with your name and address on it, with €6.20 postage for delivery in France (or at the current rate for international registered mail). The package must be sent by recorded delivery with acknowledgement of receipt. AttentionDo not provide a "green letter" or "tracked mail" envelope.